New Scott Ian interview - German Metal Hammer


Dec 16, 2002

Interesting interview. Scott is clearly sick of the questions about when new record is due and singer stuff. And he's pretty front about answering the guy, and it kind of makes you respect the fact that they'll do the record and stuff when they want to, not before. Interested to hear him say that things with Dan Nelson got pretty crazy and nearly broke the band altogether too.

Interesting interview. Scott is clearly sick of the questions about when new record is due and singer stuff. And he's pretty front about answering the guy, and it kind of makes you respect the fact that they'll do the record and stuff when they want to, not before. Interested to hear him say that things with Dan Nelson got pretty crazy and nearly broke the band altogether too.

He is sick of the questions, but he should be expecting them. Still covering the bases, though....saying "Joey should" be on the next album. With these guys one never knows. I did laugh at his comments about the internet! Like he pretends it doesn't bother him. Of course it does. He has been called out so many times, I am sure he is sick of it. And let's face it between his twitter account, the bands', his poker blogs, the Damned things site, and his food coma blog (is that still around?) of course he reads what people are saying (positive & negative). "He doesn't care"! Of course he does. He just doesn't like hearing what a fool him & Charlie look like to 95% of the public that still care (and that amount is dropping fast).

Have a Blatz, you'll all feel better tomorrow.
Baby steps. I'm no longer being impatient with the record. It's been so long I'm just happy to see them playing live again with John or Joey, the only two actual singers for the band.
.....he's really being honest lol I know this for a fact. I think you guys are all fucking nuts personally. lol. Looking forward to hearing the new record with Joey, and REALLY looking forward to The Damned Things record! woot woot! oh.. and Billy Milano's new band is killer too! A lot of good stuff coming our way peeps!
Perhaps they could call the album "Chinese Democracy"...:)


Bahaha, I get what you mean, I'm also a GNR fan.

Scott is right though, there have been too many incidents of bands rushing albums and them coming out like shit... we could have another Among The Living or we could have Anthrax's version of Load depending on how much time they put into refining it...

(I'm not saying that Load was rushed, just that it's a really bad record bar one or two tracks from an otherwise-fantastic band)