New SF material

Hello Patrik!

Andreas and Martin are writing new stuff like mad at the moment! So far it sounds really great :)

We might even do our first gig in Västerås in August... some festival with Entombed and Big Elf among others. I hope you'll be there! ;)

So..when'll the new Thyring be out? I'm very curious about it!:headbang:
Ahhh... Jonas, my man!!!
We have to party like nuts when you´re coming up to Västerås for the festival... Really looking forward to see you play live. :)
Cool to say that you have seen the first live performant of Skyfire then. ;)
We´ll be playing there too...
Hey Jonas, I think if the show goes through, that you should film it, and perhaps put up a clip on the site? After all it'll be the first live Skyfire show and all of us not lucky enough to be living in Sweden get a little taste of your live performance :)

Snälla :)
Adde: Sure, we'll party like the other times we've visited you guys. He he he ;)
Also, in case you didn't read it before...we're heading up to Västerås in two weeks to rehearse and maybe play a small private gig at Decibel, I hope you'll be there!

Charlie: I'll see what we can do about it... No doubt it would be cool to have it on video! :D
Defnitly Jonas, or at least get a recording of it, seriously! FOR ALL US HARDCORE FANS HERE AT THE FORUM! :D a video would be fricken amazing, have Adde or Patrik do it for ya man! AND MAKE SURE YOU GET A VIDEO OF 'FRAGMENTS OF TIME' :headbang: :D
OK then....

Well, as you might now by now, the members of Skyfire live in different parts of Sweden which makes it hard for us to rehearse regularly. Therefore, we rehearse for a whole week or a weekend every now and then, either in Malmö where Andreas and I live, or in Västerås where Henke and Jocke live.

So when Andreas and I was visiting the other guys at a rehearsal weekend, we had a little party at Adde's place. The day before this party we had been at a concert to see Carnal Forge and we'd all been drinking a lot, so I guess we weren't in the mood to drink the next day. Anyway, a party is a party so we started drinking... Andreas, who always drinks most of us all ;), made no exception this evening. Also worth to mention was that Andreas had been working 11 hours a day some weeks up till then, from 05.00 am to 04.00 pm, so he was quite exhausted.

While the rest of us just got a little intoxicated, Andreas were babbling all night and then ended up by the toilet puking blood. Probably from lack of sleep and to much alcohol...

There's really not that much more to it... :lol:
hrm....well maybe you could do that again for the gig and we could do a black metal type thing with Andreas puking blood everywhere, you guys would be pretty gruesome :lo:
Originally posted by AddeJ-Skinfected
Wich date were you coming to Västerås, Jonas? I´m thinking... Shall we try fixing something to try recording the rehearsal/gig?
Just got the news from Henke via Andreas that we can't do any gig at the rehearsal place. Sucks :(
I hope we'll get to party with you anyway! :D

F_V: We actually have some very small video clips from our rehearsal place :D
AH! So no gig?! That sucks.......:mad: have clips? :D Hook us homies up wit dat shit Jonas yo!? :lol:

What are they clips of?