New shit

Mix is good, can't comment on much as its late and I've had to turn my subwoofer off, so I've got almost nothing below like 500Hz.. Snare sounds v good overall but theres a few frequencies that are bugging me, maybe around 2k-ish?
But yer this WAY too similar, imo, to Breaking Benjamin, sorry :/ Intro is very similar to So Cold, and verse to Diary of Jane.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Now when I listen to it I agree that some parts sound very similar to Breaking Benjamin hah.. Have been listening to them alot at the gym lately, guess that's why. Maybe I have to redo it if it's that obvious hm.

I think the guitars are kina harsh in some places, this was the first time I used RevMkIII without my real TS9, I guess I have to keep dialing in some tones :)

We are looking for a vocalist, but if you want to have a go, then just do it :)

GubbKuk: Papa! haha.. Here's that snare for ya':
:OMG:Unbelievable Behindert this is awesome! Can you please share details on bass and guitar?? (presets and chain - pickups, guitar, and di:kickass:) I've been trying to get a breaking benjamin type out of amp sims and no luck.
Now listening with headphones so I can actually comment on the mix

Guitars sound fantastic.
I think snare verb has too much low end. Some cymbals have too much low-end, particularly the one the far right (my headphones may be switched round they dont have a marked L or R.. the opposite end to the hihat, played at 2:00 a couple of times). Try high-passing them or putting a low-shelf in. The toms sound out of place, the ones on the far left, I think they're too far over. Remember that in reality the further left tom is going to be closer to centre than the hihat, so if you're mixing it 100%L which is what it sounds like then thats gonna sound really out of place. I'd also bring up the lead guitar in the chorus, but you're probably waiting for the vocals to come to adjust that.
I don't really have any mix tips right now cause it's late and I can't get a decent volume, but, I must say for now that I love the song. I mean yeah it sounds like two breaking benjamin songs put together (really obviously, I have to say...), but it's awesome nonetheless. It's going on my winamp list for sure.
The guitar was an Ibanez RG7620 with the Blaze pickups..

Guitar -> Interface(M-audio fast track pro) ->RevMkIII(the ACM-model with a treble booster and a tubescreamer in front). The impulse was GuitarHacks "NewIR_1" impulse.

Bass was as usual a pitched guitar with the Warp plugin :D

The drums are a bunch of various samples, I think just might give em' to ya'll :)

Morgoe: yeah I agree about all you said, I seem to always have trouble with the OH:s. And yeah, the panning of the toms is pretty retarded haha.
Hello. Me and a friend are gonna try to make some more "commercial" sounding songs with cheesy choruses, here's one:

I've got a nother one done, gonna post it soon :)

I think it sounds excellent. Maybe a little more level on the bass. but I'm listening on shitty speakers so maybe thats it. Very cool song its like Breaking benjimen, and killswitch had a kid. Def need a good singer for that.
Is it just me or do the heavy guitars just seem to not sound as polished as everything else?

I still think it sounds great though.

sounds uber-awesome !

Wall of fucking guitars and a smashing snare.

Btw: behindert means disabled (handicapped) in german so I had to laugh really hard when I read "Behindert is awesome" (sorry for OT)


and thanks for the snare samples :)