New Slipknot single release Oct 18th

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I used to like their first 3 albums, I know it's not something to say: WOW they really kick ass!! Their new stuff sucks...but oh well who fucking cares.
*goes to listen Overkill's The Killing Kind*
slipknot doesn't suck.. They are original and the reason why u hate them is probably that it is too noicy for your little ears and that you thought that you can outstant any music.. well I also didn't really like them in the beginning but just hear goddamn much to their songs...and if you still think they suck then try to make better songs then slipknot. Let me know if you made something better then.
i have made something better, i call it "passing gas"
and at least it has better lyrics and no rapping monologue!
Calippo Tecks said:
slipknot doesn't suck.. They are original and the reason why u hate them is probably that it is too noicy for your little ears and that you thought that you can outstant any music.. well I also didn't really like them in the beginning but just hear goddamn much to their songs...and if you still think they suck then try to make better songs then slipknot. Let me know if you made something better then.

I made a sandwich.
Calippo Tecks said:
slipknot doesn't suck.. They are original and the reason why u hate them is probably that it is too noicy for your little ears and that you thought that you can outstant any music.. well I also didn't really like them in the beginning but just hear goddamn much to their songs...and if you still think they suck then try to make better songs then slipknot. Let me know if you made something better then.

Okay, its probably useless to comment in this thread again but this pisses me off. What do you mean "too noisy for our little ears", this forum is comprised mainly of people who listen to black and death metal. I don't think slipknot is too noisy for us. They definately aren't original, they're just goin along with the nu-metal trend. I have made much better music than them, believe me, their music isn't exactly that complex.
Well said my friend!

sonofhendrix13 said:
Okay, its probably useless to comment in this thread again but this pisses me off. What do you mean "too noisy for our little ears", this forum is comprised mainly of people who listen to black and death metal. I don't think slipknot is too noisy for us. They definately aren't original, they're just goin along with the nu-metal trend. I have made much better music than them, believe me, their music isn't exactly that complex.
Rofl lamocakes . I saw this, laughed and had to sign up. Greeting minions.

1.Slipknot is not "Metal"? What pray tell what are they (moronic anwser expected)?

2."This forum is comprised mainly of people who listen to black and death metal" = What about speed "Metal", dont we count lol beside i thought the name of this forum was what again???...

3."They definately aren't original, they're just goin along with the nu-metal trend." = How so sir?

4."I have made much better music than them, believe me, their music isn't exactly that complex" = Really? What is your bands name "Rush" (j/k)?I would like to here what you consider complex ?Do yall incorporate as many instruments when song writing?

Respectfully, my point is this...

Opinions are like giants turds. They all stink and everyone has one. Including me. So what if thats old , its true :)

(read on)

Here is my smell on slipknot , they have done more for "Metal" than any band since Slayer,Sepultura,Suicidal,SOD-MOD. Whether you like them or naught, they do help promote the rage,pain and hate and inspriation that fuels our worship of this music "metal" (denying that will make you look idiotic(so please dont)). Sure they have some crappy ideas about what is palitable to the "Slayer" generation (slayer sex and speed)which I "was" happly a part of before I grew up and got a haircut and a real job(sucks to be me). Even so they are bleaping awsome in concert (Tattou the Earth was teh best time of my life april'00) . I have never seen them half-ass a gig, that is hard to do when traversing the perfectly played "Metal" universe and wearing the there silly costumes.

Haveing your lyrics rhime is not cheesey when done correctly and besides its done all the time in all genre of "Metal" at some point.

As fas as hard to play , ur right not much is unless your talking about cheesey mid song solo's(freaking primadonna lead guitarist they all stink and I hate them for thier talent) and not to metion the crappy lyrcs that get in the way of me moshing to the double bass drum and and kick but speed power chords!!! Rhythm rulz all songs.

The last 2 paragraphs were a mere opinion of a 32 year old "Metal" head . I am not the god truth so feel free to point out my flaws, i got all day to argue.

my 2 cents

now leave me alone i need some whiskey and some online gaming to kill some lucky person over and over :)
I’ve read your post, and there is one single statement who has been producing some serious short circuits in my head. :D
To quote you: ‘Slipknot have done more for "Metal" than any band ’ ...With all respect because I don’t even know you: WHAT!?
You said you are 32, and it seems you were a teenager when you made that comment, I am 8 years younger than you and of course I am going to refute about this...
I don’t know when/how did you start to listen metal or whatever... please, don’t think I’m being sarcastic, because the last thing I would do is insult your intelligence although I am like that several times....Damn, that’s not the point either.
I started when I was 12, and the same as you –I assume- I’ve heard lots of bands through all these years.
If you said that Slipknot has done/gained more than any other metal band, probably you are talking about record sells, and you’re right. In 1999, Slipknot had sold more records (their second album: Slipknot, probably you knew it) than any other band in Roadrunner (new metal label for excellence, with a few great exceptions, quoting: Deicide, the old Sepultura, Machine Head, Obituary...) that’s true.
Believe me, I’ve been a Slipknot fan for years, I love different kinds of music and I’m not going to throw shit to anyone because I have respect for everyone’s opinion.
But I have the feeling that this is going beyond record sells and stuff. What have Slipknot done for music? Nothing impressive, I have a few Slipknot’s alive records(and their entire catalogue, not S.V) and trust me, Corey doesn’t sing well alive, he gets tired easily, Jordison is an excellent drummer, the sound of the guitars sounds powerful alive, but not impressive again. I like their ‘stage actings’ I think they’re funny and violent, they have a very good chemistry/feedback with their audience and I really would love to see them alive some day.
About the ‘Slipknot has done more than any other metal band’ thing, maybe they proved to be better than any other nu metal bands such as Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Evanescence, just to name the known ones –therefore- each one have got their opinions.
Pantera had opened a genre and they were the most important band in the 90’s (at least in my country was) Mr. ‘Dimebag’ Darrell Abbott had inspired a legion of metal fans ‘worldwide’ who are now very thankful to him for his legendary way to play guitar (the same happened with Chuck Shuldiner), I don’t care if any of you disagrees with me.
Death/Morbid Angel and many more, opened a genre and thanks to these bands a new genre were born: Grind-core, brutal, death bloody gore and many more (a few example of this would be: Bloodbath, Veneficum, Prophecy, Cannibal Corpse or Panzerchrist to name the more known again...)
Exodus, Judas Priest, Kiss, Iron Maiden, Metallica and others, opened a genre too (together or separately) and had inspired a legion of fans too, despising what ‘You know who’ in this list now is completely pathetic and worthless, but they were ‘THE SHIT’ 12 years ago and besides they’re getting old and probably that’s why they are doing shit musically, they are and they must be respected for what they’ve done in the past. Remember: This is what I think, not anybody else’s opinion.
Venom, Hellhamer, Bathory, Mayhem or Celtic Frost opened a genre too and that was called ‘Black Metal’. I don’t like this genre so much... but some of them are great.
Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Yes, Camel or King Crimson opened a genre: Progressive/psychedelic among other classifications with many metal ingredients who inspired a legion of bands now like: Dream Theater, Opeth, Paatos, Porcupine Tree, Queen, Morte Macabre, Tool or The Darkness who are great IMO, among others...
Ok, there are lots of styles with several different classifications and stuff, but this bands that I’ve mentioned have done MORE than any new metal band, in this case quoting you, Slipknot. If it wasn’t because of them, Deftones, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Coal Chamber or Slipknot wouldn’t exist now. THAT IS FOR SURE.
Maybe they (Slipknot) did more because of record selling and because maybe they have more publicity, more videos in rotation, better contract deals, more exposure than any metal band I have mentioned, but not because of it, they’re not so well known by the rest of the mortals, and for those who really like melodies, harmonies, better song structures, awesome lyrics or good kicks ass solos and good drumming (besides blastbeats) growls, clean vocals or combined. Believe me, there are lots of death metal bands which I despise because they sound the same as others I’ve heard years ago...that’s for sure too but that happens everytime and in every genre: Example: New metal or power metal. Ok, every style, I know.
I still believe what Deftones are doing is great since their first record, I used to like Korn and I went to see them once in Chile, 2001 (I’m from Argentina) and they offered a kick ass concert. I have their records until Untouchables came out. I didn’t like it, it sounded mediocre and without inspiration. The same happened with Slipknot and Subliminal Verses pt.1 or something like that, the same with Dark Days (Coal Chamber) and well -Limp Bizkit- ...I’ve never liked them.
Of course I’m not the owner of the truth, I’m posting my point of view and if some of you want to debate about this, then, welcome. If someone want to start bitching and stuff because some of you are fanboys, please, be objective and post something coherent and free of ignorance.
Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’ve made some mistakes here, I’m not a musician as someone asked previously (If that would going to change something) Some of you would be very surprised finding out that outside are lots of people who called themselves musicians -that is scary- and they can’t even play guitar or whatever they’re playing but their egos are bigger than their brains. And there are lots of people who aren’t musicians and however, they have a very good reputation when it comes to talk about music, I bet plenty of you have friends who are like this.
Maybe you were talking about the new music industry and that’s why you said what you said, hehehe, if it’s that, then I have to give you, your credit. You’re right again.
But maybe you should look very deep because not everything is televised through MTV, Muchmusic or VH1, there are so many good metal bands that don’t need ‘propaganda’ or make videos that you would be very surprised.
That’s all I have to say, If you want to debate I would love to talk with you, you can have my e-mail accounts on my profile or I post more often on Bloodbath/Katatonia and Opeth forums...
It has been a pleasure, take care.


Ps: I’m sorry for my grammatical mistakes.

Loial21 said:
Here is my smell on slipknot , they have done more for "Metal" than any band since Slayer,Sepultura,Suicidal,SOD-MOD.
Loial21 said:
1.Slipknot is not "Metal"? What pray tell what are they (moronic anwser expected)?
They are like, rap rock, aka nu-metal, they are no more metal then Limp Bizkit (except Slipknot has the occasional shitty solo). Wearing pig skin masks doesn't make you hardcore.

Loial21 said:
2."This forum is comprised mainly of people who listen to black and death metal" = What about speed "Metal", dont we count lol beside i thought the name of this forum was what again???...
Yes, but the majority of people here focus on black/death metal genre, but there are also a lot of thrash/doom/etc fans here as well.

Loial21 said:
3."They definately aren't original, they're just goin along with the nu-metal trend." = How so sir?
How are they being original is the better question.

Loial21 said:
Here is my smell on slipknot , they have done more for "Metal" than any band since Slayer,Sepultura,Suicidal,SOD-MOD. Whether you like them or naught, they do help promote the rage,pain and hate and inspriation that fuels our worship of this music "metal" (denying that will make you look idiotic(so please dont)).
I really hope you weren't serious, the only thing Slipknot has done for metal is labelled metal heads as stupid headbanging teenagers who are impressed by silly masquerades and profanity.

Loial21 said:
Haveing your lyrics rhime is not cheesey when done correctly and besides its done all the time in all genre of "Metal" at some point.
If you're 555, then I'm 666.

I don't recall Chuck Schuldiner rapping anything like that.

Loial21 said:
As fas as hard to play , ur right not much is unless your talking about cheesey mid song solo's(freaking primadonna lead guitarist they all stink and I hate them for thier talent) and not to metion the crappy lyrcs that get in the way of me moshing to the double bass drum and and kick but speed power chords!!! Rhythm rulz all songs.
For someone who is 32, your grammar skills are pretty fucking pathetic, just like your arguement.

Loial21 said:
The last 2 paragraphs were a mere opinion of a 32 year old "Metal" head . I am not the god truth so feel free to point out my flaws, i got all day to argue.
Good, go away, the linkin park forums are always open to people with your opinions on music.
omfg, people don't be such a cocksuckers and stop yelling at eachother for what is wrong and good.
my opinion (i don't say it's a fact k) is that people hate slipknot because they are so popular, WHY ARE THEY POPULAR??? because they make fucking good songs. and so those who hate them listen to some underground groups and something like that and they say slipknot sucks and they groups own and they think they are tough because the listen to the cool underground metal (i have nothing against undergroud don't misunderstand me :) indeed i love it). i love slipknot because for me it's sweet music and the lyrics are so .. those guys are singing my life out there that, almost every song has a close bond with my life that why. and some not. there lyrics are nicely put together and nice raps. spit it out is a nice "sort of" metal-rap. and slipknot is not rock hahaha, linkin park is rock (but i don't like them that much because there lyrics suck more than my mommy does) slipknot my friends is heavy-metal :)
be a little bit adult and don't begin to flame at my post like a little child and answer properly ;):)
i dont hate them because their popular, i hate them for all the damn false people they created that consistantly claim they are "so metal" (same thing as the kvlt kiddies). frankly their lyrics are sub par on the emotive plain for me, in fact, they really do nothing for me other than irritate my naturally calm nature - sometimes borderline infuriate. and really i can only stand a very little bit of their discography. i do not like them at all.

just because something is popular does not make it good.

and although i would rather see real threads in this part of the forum rise to the top and be recognized, i realize i cant do this if i keep on posting in this one (even if it is just a cheap way to make smart ass comments or my lousy post count); so i will not post in this thread anymore.
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