New Slipknot single release Oct 18th

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Obviously you don't know dick about black just put your foot in your mouth. Most black metal bands, despite the paint, CAN PLAY THEIR INSTRUMENTS....MORE THAN TWO AND A HALF CHORDS. I espescially like how all these nu-metal bands start with a power chord on the low end of the neck, and then slide down to the higher octaves, and then hit one string, and then back down, and then back up........look at how busy I "look" while playing 2 notes! Kudos to these bands, I actually have no problem with them making tons of's not their fault that this country has so many idiots that can't handle anything thats above simplicity, and to have radio and tv tell them what to listen to, and watch. Don't worry it's a dying trend, just like glam least glam metal could actually play their instruments!!!
lol, christ, Chill out there before you give yourself a heart attack.
It's just as easy to be ignorant towords black metal face paint and image as to Slipknots, but obviously you don't see that. Unlike having my foot in my mouth you've got your head up your arse.
Would it make any difference if Slipknot used for technicallity for the sake of using it? No, it wouldn't. It would sound worse. They have shown thier "talent" and that they can play thier instruments at various points throughout thier existence. They even added solos to thier new stuff, it shut a lot of people up, but you can't please everyone, can you?

Money doesn't go far between 9 members of a band, and they've been known to get jobs after touring to support themselves. Heh, if you want, you could say a band like Amen who use power chords constantly are mainstream, but they are thousands of dollars in debt and steal food to live. Mainstream means nothing, is being mainstream that important to people here? It's as if your shit if your mainstream, but of a silly logic.

Not a lot of metal bands have decent lyrics in the first place. We could listen to Blind Guardian sing about dragons and swords in the wind, but what it mean?

As far as I'm concerned, if someone can make it playing a guitar, they must have something going for themselves, even if they don't show it in thier music. "Good" music rarely depends on raw talent. It depends on a lot of things. Really, are the lot of ya just bitter about the mainstream or what?
ProjectBlack I agree with you mostly, and definitly with you Stand-Ablaze. Slipnot doesnt have the hardest riffs in the world, and no, if you put them up for talent against Pantera or Iron Maiden, the would defitly lose. But the piont is, like Stand-Ablaze is saying, the quality of your music doesnt really matter a whole lot in the mainstream arena. Its sad, I agree, but thats the way it is. Yeah, your right, Slipnot makes music for teenagers pissed of cause they didnt get what they wanted for Christmas, but if theyre makeing money, oh well. Just cause youve "sold your soul to the record companies" doesnt mean your not a good musician. I personally could not play Slipnots solos. Im just not that good yet. So I respect their musicianship no matter how wierd they look, or what crowd they cater to.
You mustn't have read my statement correctly, like I said, I don't care, or have a problem with the fact that they do well. It's their lackluster musicianship. No, they don't have to be John Petrucci, or even close to that. The problem is; you can no longer buy a guitar magazine as far back as 95-96, and not see one of these nu-metal guitarists being featured, as opposed to seeing a legitimate guitarist. To make matters worse, these nu-metal so called guitarists actually think they're worthy of being in the magazines. They should just stick to Circus, or Hit Parader. That's what's great about being in a band now....we make each other better musicians every show, or practice. I got fed up years ago, buying guitar mags, hoping to read, and take helpful technical, and musical advice from actual good musicains-as opposed to reading how limpkorn linkinknot like to look good on stage.
If you didn't care you wouldn't post. What makes a legitimate guitarist? If a person is in a "nu metal" band, they can't be a legitimate guitarist, because ramses on forum says so? Right

What you said isn't even logical.
Maybe this will help you understand....I like sports...wear hockey jerseys, football jerseys...even play a game or to in the park with friends. But I'm not in any sport mags. People wouldn't want to read about my football games, now would they? That's why i don't buy guitar mags anymore....Don't learn anything from them,(nu-metal guitarists) so I don't buy them. And I posted, because I felt like putting in my opinion, just as you....I didn't start this post, it was already here. And no they're not illegitimate because I say so, but even people that aren't as musically inclined as most people on these sites, don't usually think slipnot#4 or whatever, when they think of good guitarists. Besides, once again, I haven't said I "care' in any thing I posted. I only stated sarcastic remarks about said groups. I realized long ago, that in no way do you need radio for your musical fix. Haven't listened to radio since i was 10. Oh, wait....I take that back.. .I lied...I listen to radio...sports radio.
WashburnSevenStringWonder said:
Good points Ramses. I agree with you. Nu-metal seems to have no real talent at all. But hey, whatever works for them ya know.
Yeah! I just think it's funny that's all. Some of the nu-metal bands act like they are the best of the best, as if they are, and the only ones that play heavy music. Who decided that? But hey, when I was 8-10 years old I didn't know...I thought Bands like Toto and the C :erk: ars were great.
Maybe this will help you understand....I like sports...wear hockey jerseys, football jerseys...even play a game or to in the park with friends. But I'm not in any sport mags.
Sport and music are two very different things. I'm a bodybuilder, but I'm not in magazines, that's very different than being in a band signed to a label releasing music on a global scale.

You don't need to say anything about caring. If you didn't give a shit about the band, or my posts, you wouldn't bother replying because it would be a waste of time on your part. You care enough to "state your opinion" though.

When you say "these sites", I'm sure you mean metal forums and websites, a community with the same opinion on nu metal, so ofcourse. Whats a metal website without the club of "nu metal" haters?

A "good" guitarist. What is a good guitarist? Someone who can play endless solos and brilliant technical ability, but when it comes to writing actual music, it's not as impressive? Like Yngwie for example. Sure, he's an amazing guitar player, but he's not much of a musician to me personally, because his music is awful.

Would you listen to radio again if it had black metal/death metal/metal in general that have "good" guitarists playing?

We've completely strayed from the original topic, lol, but gwon.
Stand-Ablaze said:
A "good" guitarist. What is a good guitarist? Someone who can play endless solos and brilliant technical ability, but when it comes to writing actual music, it's not as impressive? Like Yngwie for example. Sure, he's an amazing guitar player, but he's not much of a musician to me personally, because his music is awful.

Hold on a second, you're saying metal guitarists don't write good music? There has been tons of beautiful songs written throughout metalls existance, it's not all about technicality and endless solos and if you believe so you definately have no idea what the genre is about. If you're calling two chord progression "good writing" you obviously have a ton of bias built up somewhere in you.
Other way around. Read my post again.

I've been listening to metal for years, underground to known to mainstream.. Iron maiden and judas priest to bathory to in flames to slipknot to fucking anything.

Your right though, It's not all about technicality, but try explaining that to 90% of the metal community, you'll be lynched in a second and called a nu-metaller :rolleyes:. I said nothing about two chord progression about being "good writing". Good writing to me is music with a meaning, something I can relate to poltically or morally.

I'd say the bias is within the metal community. God forbid a guitarist forms a band and not have superb technicallity in his playing.
Thats definitly true. The real problem is people thinking you have to be an amazing guitarist to hold any right in the musical world. I think a real show of talent isnt throwing together a solo(no matter how amazing) its putting together a whole song that carries a single emotion, along with lyrics that highlight that emotion. Thats true musicianship. Alot of lead guitarists ruin songs cause they put this off the wall solo in the song that doesnt flow right. It might be a really good solo, but if it doesnt keep the emotion of the song, what good is it. Its kinda like a drummer soloing through heartbreaker song. It just doesnt give it the right feeling. I think the main point is that Slipnot/ any "nu-metal band doesnt have to be really good at guitar. They just have to be good at conveying their message. Thats what fans want anyway. To a guy that doesnt play any instruments, a huge solo sounds OK, but he doesnt really appreciate it though, cause he doesnt know what goes into it. He does however appreciate the song as a whole because it relays a message or emotion that he can understand.
Stand-Ablaze said:
A "good" guitarist. What is a good guitarist? Someone who can play endless solos and brilliant technical ability, but when it comes to writing actual music, it's not as impressive? Like Yngwie for example. Sure, he's an amazing guitar player, but he's not much of a musician to me personally, because his music is awful.

Would you listen to radio again if it had black metal/death metal/metal in general that have "good" guitarists playing?


I think the definition of a good guitarist is someone who can right tunes that really catch peoples attention. For instace, if you listen to a Blink 182 song, you will most likely find yourself humming it even if you despise them. But if you're listening to an epic song with a 4 minuts solo, what are the chances of that really sticking to you? Children of Bodom does this really well, I always hum their stuff. Same with In flames and other bands like that.
On the topic of Slipknot, their new CD conveys their musicianship a little more, but I still don't think it deserves them front page rights to every metal magazine. Now, I don't think they have ever had a catchy song. I guess I'm not into that tune down eight steps and see what happens. Now, I do think their talent is in marketing. The whole clothing thing and 9 guys really makes people think they are diferrent. I know this, because in 2nd grade I bought their self titled CD because I thought the masks looked awesome. I lost interest around 4th grade because I just thought to myself that shelling out 18 dollars over and over again for the same songs with a few changes was pointless. If you like them, thats fine.

PS- I know what it takes to be in a band. Its tough.
Right on! You have the same mindset as me. The technibilities of a band comes second to the overall sound. Ive heard alot of really hardcore bands that get to be really annoying because the drummer wants to play a solo the whole way through the song and the guitarists are stuck in a 32nd rhythm on their picking. Personally I like something I can actually jump around to or headbang to without getting whiplash or look like Im tweeking out ya know? Like you said, its gotta be kinda "catchy". Thats why I like Zao so much. Dan is always screaming but their riffs our kinda "mainstream" if you wanna put it that way, so you can actually get into it. Slipnot is the same way. Even though I dont like them especially, I think the reason theyre so popular is because they write stuff that the crowd can go crazy on.
HA i forgot the actual topic of this thread seeing as I just read every post. Well I'll just go with the flow I guess:

I won't get too detailed into this, but I'll simply state the obvious here. A band that "tours the world and makes a living off of their music".... that certainly DOES NOT mean they are talented. Look at Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears. Britney has talent, but it involves oral rhythm and anal capacity I'm sure. She tours the world and she is not talented musically.

On a more serious note, there are amazing fucking bands that have been playing bars for the last 10 years without a record deal AND THEN there are bands that form a group, play pop-metal-sellout shit and they get labels blowing their load over these preppy mall-core metal bands.... so let's not jump to conclusions and assume that just because Band A has a record deal and Band B does not have a record deal then Band A has talent, because that is not the case at all.

These days it seems that it's who ya know or who ya blow... that's how most bands / musicians get exposure.
Their soft material is their best stuff off the new record, maybe they should pull an Opeth and release a fully soft album.
an example of a good guitarist would be Jeff Loomis, Mike Amott, Chris Broderick etc. someone who can play with great technical ability and also write original, kick ass solos, riffs, songs.
I can't believe people take the time to argue about this still, this bands just a money making scheme that worked out quite well, OHH look at the layered shitty sounding guitars and halfassed digidrumming that impresses all the stupid little kids just like Nile. WOWOWOWOWOWOWWOWOWO OMGOMGOMGOMG

pooeyegg makes better music than this crap...
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