New Slipknot single release Oct 18th

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Luz very fine opinion and very respected and well thought out thanks for the kewl feed back adn I would be happy to talk about Metal anytime with you I will send you a private message.
. Btw for those who were or are not a part of the Central Texas metal scene, Pantera was a hair band in the 80's :( sucks to be there fan which i am, i got laughed at for cheering for them when they opened of cannabil corpse and flotsom and jetsom (great concert though "cowbots" from hell tour) .

ænimated said:
They are like, rap rock, aka nu-metal, they are no more metal then Limp Bizkit (except Slipknot has the occasional shitty solo). Wearing pig skin masks doesn't make you hardcore.

1st Does your opinion alone make some one hard core or not? of course not

2nd I am not into the genre of music but when i go and shop for Slipknot what are the Labeled as?

3rd Like what? Anthrax "bring the noise"?

4th I asked "Slipknot is not "Metal"? What pray tell what are they (moronic anwser expected)?" Thanks got what I was looking for!

"Yes, but the majority of people here focus on black/death metal genre, but there are also a lot of thrash/doom/etc fans here as well."

How are they being original is the better question.

How are they not is the better question sir. It was asked in a questions format, please dont reply a question with question. (avoidence)I really would like to understand what about them to you in a polite way is not original.

I really hope you weren't serious, the only thing Slipknot has done for metal is labelled metal heads as stupid headbanging teenagers who are impressed by silly masquerades and profanity.

That what most metals heads start off as. LoL but I ams sure you know this. Also marketing is geared towards teenagers when it comes to the stupid ass fucking radio play. (fuck radio).

"If you're 555, then I'm 666."

I don't recall Chuck Schuldiner rapping anything like that.

So what your saying is that Chuck never wrote anyhting that rhymes? Good luck proving that one. :) (waits ***crickets***)

For someone who is 32, your grammar skills are pretty fucking pathetic, just like your arguement.

What is pathetic is your manorism to a complete stranger and your respect for other peoples opinions. Typical forum bully (lol).

Good, go away, the linkin park forums are always open to people with your opinions on music.

Lol if you did not notice my attempt to Slayerize everything. Your WAY out of line there bud. But nice try.

Lastly I respect other peoples opinions and over look there grammar to get there point. You should try the same friend :) makes for a better day (you will live longer that way)

I doubt you go around talking to people like that and carry a succesful carreer

l8ter from the forum newb
Anyone who doesnt like Slipknot is proabably doesnt have a wide, or broad range of musical respect. What can you find bad about them? BTW 555=Man 666=Satan and 777=God. Give them a chance.
Um.... I have to say that I listen to ALL genres of music, ranging from The Righteous Brothers, through Buddy Holly, across Elvis, past Spandau Ballet, over the top of Iron Maiden, and right out the other side of Morbid Angel.

And I'm sorry, but Slipknot DO suck.

I base my theory on the following points.

1. Every band has to have an image. Something that shows they're passionate about music, not just passionate about attracting a crowd. Wearing a clown mask? Looking like Pinocchio? WTF? If you're genuinely talented, then you don't need a stageshow.

2. Why have 9 people in a band? Iron Maiden are pushing it at 6 members, but they have a big enough fan base and songs that actually require them all to play.

3. Dropping your strings a few notes and churning out bowel-loosening music does NOT show talent. It shows laziness. Learn how to play power chords properly!
*NOTE* This one goes out to all the nu-metal bands of today.

4. Being a DJ, I obviously get requests for Slipknot, but always from the younger end of the scale, all caked in white facepaint with big panda eyes. Surely this shows just what kind of fan base you have, and surely it'd be more profitable if you were a band who attracted a wider range of people and actually made music that ALL of your fans could buy, not just the 18+ ones. The times I've seen grandmas and mums buying their CDs for a 3 year old in mini baggies.

5. Most of Slipknots songs are so alike, it's hard telling them apart.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Obvious Slipknot hater. Well, no. They're bad, sure, but they HAVE done a few good songs, just like a certain band called Korn.

Their debut album was so hardcore, so basic, so raw, and had that "recorded on an 8-track in the garage" sound to it.... you simply can't fault it as an album. It's brilliant. But their later stuff has fallen foul of the "we have money now so screw the fans let's buy helicopters" curse.

Slipknot were good once. But like pretty much every nu-metal band since the late 90s, their time came and went a LONG time ago. Hell, even the once mighty Metallica have gone tits up in recent years.

Time to hang up the masks guys. Party's over.
Why i feel the need to defend this band, i don't know... so i won't. I'll just say this.

People = shit.

I like slipknot. they go with the "less is more" theme. :)
what band doesn't get old after a while

Costumes and masks. What does that have anything to do with there music. I had no idea that slipknot did this untill i saw them. let the be john wayne casey if the want to be. In my view its no better than pretending that you are evil!!!

"nu-metal" roflcakes is it not all music "nu" (new) at some point.

So you dont like the image but the music is fine? I can live with that :)

rock on metal heads

From the Metal capitol of the world (San Antonio)
Loial21 said:
"nu-metal" roflcakes is it not all music "nu" (new) at some point.

No, nu-metal is an entirely different genre rather than an era of music. As far as I know no other genres are labeled "nu". Old nu-metal bands are still nu-metal, they don't have to be a newer band.

Somebody fucking close this thread!
OK I just went to that webpage.

On the front they have under artists, Slipknot, Trivium, Cradle of Filth and Killswitch Engage.

Oh man, I'm having trouble picking just one band, they are all so awesome!!!!!1111
rrroadcrewer said:
speaking of "nu-metal" if you lable slipknot this then whatever but check this out you guys.. .... respond back and tell me what you think plus go to and check out a bunch of other bands these guys have to offer, i don't care what type metal or rock you like, you will find a band here that speaks to you....

I've heard them quite a few times believe me; my best friend is a huge fan, and yea I still don't like them. Roadrunner records really sucks for the most part. Slipknot is nu-metal. Nu-metal is just another genre and Slipknot is a part of it. Get over it, they suck and you guys are never gonna persuade the rest of this forum to believe otherwise.
I love Slipknot, although I remember myself being ashamed of that.
The new album is... different. It has something worthy in it, but I cannot listen to it on regular terms. Don't know why.
I was amazed of the "Danger - Keep Away" song.
rrroadcrewer said:
speaking of "nu-metal" if you lable slipknot this then whatever but check this out you guys.. .... respond back and tell me what you think plus go to and check out a bunch of other bands these guys have to offer, i don't care what type metal or rock you like, you will find a band here that speaks to you....

I like TON, Junkie XL and Karma to Burn but KtB hasn't had their news updated for three fucking years and JXL for 2. Fuck that label.
OK fuckers im new...This my first post because after reading what half these douche bags had to say about SlipKnot I just needed to register to this site... First things off. Half of you cunts dont know shit about good music. SlipKnot plainly put blows ass. They do not have any talent whatsoever. First of all there are like 12 members and 4dont do shit or something like that..What in the fuck is that all about. All of you are bandwagon fans in a sense of music. One person likes it the rest follow. The people that think SlipKnot is a talented band are the same as the clouded minded people that think rap takes talent. Country takes more talent..

And if you are wondering what music i listen 2 is Progressive Metal. Only thing worth mentioning..Bands that actually have talent . Know and use the ability of time signature changes... And fucking know how to play. Im im really stoked that They Have Into Eternity fans on here..Because they kick ass .Thats a fucking band with talent not slipknot.So no more talk about that shitty music. fucking "nu-metal" . All these shitty sub genres...Its pathetic. Nu metal is as fucking gay as emo. I mean how can you group music as emotional.. All fucking music that has talented muscians is emotional. They put their soul and life into that music. All these douche bags running this naming of bands in genres is a moron. All music today should be grouped under "Pure-Shit"
I dont blame these people though..Its all media what they hear and see on t.v they follow. If they would only know the true meaning of talented music. Like i said before half of slipknot isnt even a fucking band . they headbang and hop around in jump suits while rapping out shitty lyrics and play shitty chords. And you think their drumming would be half decent with 3-4drummers..Fucking annoying pathetic excuse of metal. Would be great if no one mention a shitty band like that.
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