
Sep 16, 2002
Here's a little thang I'm working on for my cd. The mix is kinda messed up guitars got buried(cheap studio monitors!!)....but it shows the jist of it.

Vocals are scratch for reference until I sound proof my room.

It was originally written as a follow up to What to Say but from the perspective of the wife this time. However, so much time has passed since Juggling 9 that I decided to flip the genders back and make it more of a hypothetical thing.

It's called "..and I still"

Let me know what you think....unless it's negative, then start a new forum. Fragile ego and all.

I dig it, I especially like the guitar plucking theme (at least, that's what it sounds like, the only guitar I play is in Guitar Hero. ;))'s nicely layered. =D
Thanks man, the sound proofing I need to do is a little easier because I'm just doing it for vocals. Basically will entail a walk in closet and some quilts. The hard part is getting the recording gear in there with me...anyway more to come later.

Hi Ted,

Man, this song ROCKS!! Very cool guitar work on the verses and the chorus kicks major butt, especially with your vocals! Great feel!! Excellent solo too - by the way, I'm still blown away whenever I watch you playing guitar right along with Doug on 'Progtology' on the 'Live at Last' DVD. You're extremely talented!

I've always loved your lyric writing and I think that's cool how this relates back to 'What to say' (what an awesome song!). Thanks for sharing this along with your other songs. Any chance you might distribute this on cd? I'd love to get a copy of this along with some of the other songs you've done like Submerged.

Thanks man!

Wow Ted. I like every MP3 you have out there. Sounds great.

I look forward to seeing you guys on the 24th.
Sounds Nice! But while "gender flipping" may be OK up there in the Bay Area, it is severely frowned on down here in SoCal!

Amazing "sequence" of What to say, that to me is one of the most beautiful songs ever together with Black Eyes and Broken Grass!
Loved the guitar work and the lyrics!

Great job! any possible release dates? Band names?

This sounds fantastic! Kind of John Elefante 'Defying Gravity' meets 'Tug Of War'. I'm looking forward to this!

See ya on the 24th.

I can't believe I'm not the only one who owns that album:lol: (Defying Gravity, not Tug of War......well, Tug of War too I guess).

Haha! Nope, that would make two of us :)

I love that cd. To me, his voice still sounds fantastic and his songwriting is still top notch.

I have all 3 of his solo cds and several live shows with Elefante...a broadcast from the 'Drastic Measures' tour, too!

Were you a 'Prophet' fan? Their singer, Russell Arcara, reminded me so much of JE. Heck, they did a song on the 'Cycle Of The Moon' cd called 'Tomorrow Never Knows' that is a complete rip-off of 'Chasing Shadows'.
Awesome, Ted! It sounds much better than what you described! A nice surpise as I was expecting a rougher cut! Great guitar work and your vox are fab as usual. Nice follow up to What to Say...can't wait to hear the finished product - hopefully that won't be too long!

It was cool to see you and the rest of the guys last weekend - what a killer show THAT was! It was a great night of tunes, capped off by a killer set - thanks again!
