New song - full band, no vox


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2008

The link above will take you to my band’s second home recording. We recorded in a bigger room this time which I believe helped open up the sound (relative to our first recording, called ‘Chillee’ on our Soundclick site). We are still seeking a vocalist, so there are no vocals on the track.

Feel free to provide any sort of feedback on the mix and/or mastering. I’m soliciting feedback on several forums in hopes of enhancing the mix/master to its full potential. I did this with our last song and it really helped.

Interestingly, for the bass guitar recording, I mic’s live using a 52A up close and a Shure condenser about four feet away. I blend both mic recordings in the mix and use a high pass on the condenser and low pass on the Beta. There’s some midrange overlap, but it seemed to work well.

Thanks for listening.

1. Presonus Firestudio Project recording interface into Cubase LE
2. Intel Core 2 Quad based computer with ASUS motherboard (windows Vista)
3. Lots of plugins on mix and master (too many to name), but the Waves brand is most predominant
4. Drums: Shure and MXL mics; Guitar: Sennheiser e609 and Shure 57; Bass: Shure beta 52A and Shure condenser
5. Check out the link to our Soundclick site for further details on our equipment if you’re interested. The main guitar used is an early 80’s Charvel San Dimas model with original Jackson passive pickup. A Schecter Loomis 7-string with SD Blackouts was also used on the heavy bridge part at the end.

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