New song I wrote!

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
Programmed drums, guitars are Behringer V-Amp :)Puke:) basic songwriting template session, same as ever. I'm not really looking for mix input or anything, just wondering what people think of the song! I've definitely gotten way more into the polyrhythmic stuff over the last year, but Bulb's stuff still pwns.

As the song title suggests, this is the first song I've put together on my 7-String.
Pretty cool man, sometimes I would like the counting hand on the drums to be faster or maybe a faster snare to drive the song a little bit more if you know what I mean.
The bit that kicks in earlier and around 3:21, fucking love that bit. Wish I had a 7 string the extended scale would be usefull. Oh, heard it all now.. really like the chordal parts. Melodies remind me of good korn.
Fucking sick dude......

That lead/overlay part that is at :40 seconds and a few other times through the song is very nice.

I need to learn how to program fills better on drums. I love some of the fills you used. What did you use to program the drums anyway?
Very Cool!!!! what did you get for a 7string? and I like the drum programming also!
Thanks for the replies dudes.

I feel like the song flows quite well overall, but I do agree that perhaps a faster part somewhere would be a good contrast to the rest of the song. Any suggestions as to what part I should tinker with? The song is almost seven minutes long as is, and I don't feel like it needs yet another part!
Thanks for the vibrato comment. Almost every time I show something I wrote to Jeff Loomis, he consistently says "Man, thank God you have a good vibrato" :lol: He and I have had some good discussions about how a weak vibrato really sucks and can totally ruin a lead part when it just isn't there right, you know?
As for the drum programming, I basically just spread samples around on individual tracks in grid mode. The cymbals obviously sound fake, but in a songwriting template I could really care less! The snare, toms, and cymbals are from past projects I did, and the kick is the Sneap kick (because it's fun, and a songwriting template is the only place I would ever use it).
Here's the seven string, taken with my crappy digital camera:


It's a Diamond Series Elite 007...which is cool, because my main guitar for years has been a Diamond Series Elite 006. I hadn't even been planning on buying a seven-string, but Loomis called me up one day last year, and the abridged conversation basically went like this:

"Hey, uh, well I was thinking of selling a few things of mine and I was just wondering if you would know anyone who would want to buy them."

"Oh cool, what were you thinking of selling?"

"Well, that XXX just sits around and it's missing some knobs, but I was probably going to get rid of that. And I also have a Schecter seven string that I don't ever use anymore that I should sell."

"Hmmmmm....well how much are you selling the guitar for?"

"I don't know, I was thinking like, $350 or something?"

"Um, I'll buy it. It would be cool to have a seven-string."

Haha... Anyway, he never used it live, but it was a backup guitar on some tours, and I recall him saying it was the first Schecter seven-string he ever owned. It had the lame stock pickups in it, but he gave me the EMG707s out of his black Schecter that he destroyed (the neck is cracked away from the body) when he threw it across the stage after finishing their set at a metal festival (can't recall which one). He says he doesn't really know why he threw it, but at the time it seemed like a good idea! :lol:
man im digging this alot it'd be killer with some vocals.

It's funny what you and Jeff were talking about , i allways moan that theres not enough players out there with killer vibrato!

Tell Jeff to hurry the feck up and do another Nevermore album or try and finish his solo album! haha
He's got five days booked here this month to get the drums done for the solo record :kickass:

It's quite a nice freaking studio, check out the pictures. Not only is the studio itself impressive, but it's in a really upscale neighborhood which sits atop a beautiful cliffside view of the water. From the outside it just looks like a really nice, tall house, and you would never know that there is a studio inside, let alone one as large as there is!

Warrel's album sounds like it'll be killer too ive heard a few tracks from that.

Man i cant wait for this Jeff is THE shred god. Malmsteen/vai/petrucci etc...Get ready to move over! haha

has it been decided who's gonna mix the album and whatnot?
i think i've seen a picture of loomis playing that guitar in guitar world or something. it was around the time of god forbid's gone forever (he guested on it). i don't know why i remember that. It's a nice axe.