Another long song I wrote


May 4, 2009

I wrote this song that I thought I would post here. It's a pretty long one too like some other stuff I posted here, hopefully still listenable without loosing interest.

The mix is pretty dense since there are plenty of layers of gtrs and even some strings so I ended up scooping the rhythm gtrs quite a lot. At the end there are 8 guitar tracks playing 5 different things + strings :).

Distorted gtrs are tse x30, cleans = soloC. Drums are superior 2 with some samples blended/replaced for kick and snare.

Maybe it's "mastered" a bit too loud.

Anyway what do you think?


insanely good writing!!! I just was singing to the music

On the production side, I'd only roll off snare reverb and OHs vol. And playing with velocities mainly kick.

Good job!
ok, you're the pinky's writer! I was just digging your soundclick and I realized. Yeah they sound somehow similar but both great songs, and you got some others too. I wonder what you were thinking to when naming a song Screech lol
Men you are a lot productive! You do more songs in a month that I make in a year!:lol: and always with superb composition and sound quality. The guitars are indeed a bit scooped but fit very well the context.
Well, the worst thing that happened to me with your songs is...when finish:erk:

You create an atmosphere that catchs me buddy, a lot of things to hear and pay attention, really nice, it´s true.

And about the final mix I´m with El Gato, sometimes the kicks are like a submachine gun, a small touch with velocities could be fine, but in fact I like a lot the final mix.

One question, could you share your settings for the clean guitar?

well done dude
The clean chain is: Guitar with EMG 89 neck position /w coil split on -> SoloC default settings (when you start it up)-> s-preshigh -> tal dub2-> sir (impulse loader)/w Acoustica M7 Amsterdam hall reverb, 0.0 db dry -14 db wet -> TLs2095-LA compressor. Settings for compressor + delay:

I think it's more important how and where you play for clean tones though, I always experiment playing with and without pick, angling it differenty, how hard you play, playing with fingers etc. I like the sound where you play very far from the bridge. Changes the tone alot more than changing settings.

El_Gato: Ah, yeah I always seem to have trouble finding a snare sound that I like. Always keep changing but never happy with anything, I'll try some more :) Yeah I should play around more with the kick sound too, it's only 1 sample as you may have guessed. I don't pay much time coming up with good song names :D

Nuno Filipe: Hehe, thanks man!

Puppy dog tail: Thanks for liking, I'll spend some more time with the drum sound.
No mate, thanks to you for sharing your ideas/setups.

I agree, the same riff never sounds similar changing the finger/pick positions.

And of course, is completely different changing the guitar player:headbang:

Sometimes I think what you could compose if you like death metal:Smokin:
Hehe, I do like some death metal bands, like Gojira or Decapitated, but since I don't do vocals I tend to think death metal songs gets kinda boring without any vocs.

AerialThesis: I was more thinking about the dynamics at faster fills, snare and kick sound etc. The intro thing have nothing with mastering to do, I automated the cleans down because I didn't want that big volume difference, right now there is a difference of around 6 db RMS from the intro to the main song, but I agree the intro could be 2-3 db quieter when you say it.
Wow Excem you touch me again!!! sorry for the offtopic but I would like to remember Decapitated members, Covan and Witek.

I was talking with them (my poor english sometimes do the job...) when they were playing in Spain, one of the best shows I saw in my life and very nice guys.

Well...I´m going to hear your new mix.
full enjoy man! the only thing I'd change is kick quantization (a bit less) around min. 6. I found myself la-la-la-ing some of these melodies yesterday lol
Everyone always says "Amazing song writing!" and "Unbelievable tone!", and I totally agree, but the drum sounds you get are so good too. I mean I can never get SD2 to sound that good, especially your snare towards the end, it's just great.
Thanks for commenting everyone! I think I'm going to end up blending a couple of kicks to get a more varied sound in the future. My guitar is an Ibanez rg321ex with emg 89 + emg 81 pickups, tuning is drop c.

Nauru: Snare is just ludwig black beauty from superior, no external samples on this one. I probably spent most of my time mixing to improve the drum sound, since I think it's the most important contribution to a good overall sound.

Puppy: Truly a shame about the accident :/