New song in progress with vocals - how's the sound?


Jan 31, 2006
As the title implies, I've got a new song in the works with vocals just finished last week believe it or not. Just excited about the new work is all, and if anyone cares to give feedback that would be greatly appreciated. Guitars and bass are all Kemper. Ibanez RG 7 string and a brand new 5 strings Fender Squier Jazz Bass.

The clip starts about a third of the way into the song and ends abruptly as I'm not completely finished yet. the World Away test.mp3

Mix with brighter drums

Remixed drums the World Away 1.13.mp3
Sounds nice man, snare sounds a bit flat for my tastes....drums in general, minus kick.
Basssound is tits! Guits sound cool too, and I dig the vibe of the song.
They are programmed. Superior drummer 2.0 Allaire kit with a Slate kick sample blended in with the kick. I tried to keep the drums as natural as possible with full bleed on every mic, which is key to creating some glue in my opinion.
The mix is good, but the drums does not sound big enough for my taste. Kick and snare so far on some part.
Bass, guitars and vocals sound killer and really fit together. However, as it has been mention before, drums lack a bit of punch and depth. Toms and overheads are fine but snare is too "clicky" IMO and kick lacks of presence.
Shit. I'm probably going to need to add a snare sample in there. I just hate to do that with such a busy snare drum.
You could set up x-drums for the snare and trigger some from avatar or another library. That way the fine details don't get lost with triggering (which also wouldnt be the case with detailed enough multisamples, buts its more a bitch to get right).
Also a bit more room could help too.

The drums don't sound bad or so, but they don't fit in that context (imo) and don't add anything to the groove or music...I'm not vibing off them really...
If you want to keep the snare that way I'd play around with more room on the snare and toms..are are also busy that should be cool.
And it's not too fast so it wouldn't mud things up too badly.

OH but I forgot to mention:
The drum programming is awesome!...or was it recorded with a midi kit?
Edit: ah you answered that already, nvrmd.
Great point about the x-drums. I've had some pretty good success from doing that in the past on some material, but I decided to revamp the drums from the ground up and I think they sound a bit thicker and up more cohesive with the mix while still avoiding a snare sample. I was trying to stay away from a lot of compression on the kit before but this new one has quite a bit of parallel comp on it. Overall, I think this is a step in the right direction.

Remixed drums the World Away 1.13.mp3
realy cool katatonia/tool/deftones vibe to this! great song writing as usual! any info on how you go about processing your superior drums? do you multichannel out and process there or do you handle everything inside superior?
newest mix sounds great on my setup. Cool to hear a new March Hare song too, good shit!!!

Thanks dude!

realy cool katatonia/tool/deftones vibe to this! great song writing as usual! any info on how you go about processing your superior drums? do you multichannel out and process there or do you handle everything inside superior?

Thanks. The drum processing on this one is pretty straightforward. On the Allaire kit, I turned on all samples for every mic and all bleed on every mic and just adjusted the faders in Superior to get a decent pre mix. I shortened the decay of the kick, snare and toms to keep the room sounds under control. The only effect used in Superior is a highpass filter on the Ambient Close mic. From there, I routed the hi-hats, Overhead, Ambient Close, Ambient Middle, Ambient Far, and the Bullet mics to a subgroup in Cubase where its treated with a Waves Sheps 73 EQ. 5db boost on the 12k band, a slight cut at 3.2k, slight cut at the 110hz low shelf, and 150hz highpass filter. That's fed into a Waves 1176 compressor 8:1 attack 12:00, near fastest release. The kick channel is totally triggered with no compression or anything. The snare top, snare rim, and snare comp are fed into a bus in Cubase a it just has a Sheps73 EQ with slight boosts at 12k, 7.2k and 220hz, then fed into a Waves C1 comp with 4:1 ratio, 20ms attack, 1 ms release (fastest) with about 6dbs of gain reduction. Snare bottom is Waves SSL channel with the CLA snare bottom preset, with 14dbs of GR. Toms just have some Sheps73 EQ and a stock cubase compressor limiter combo just to tame the errant peaks. All the drums are fed into a master bus where I hit it with Slate's Bus (Brit4K), Slate tape (15ips FGS), then Decapitator with about 30% mix. Then that is all parallel compressed with Waves H-Comp with the tight kit preset, then adjusted the mix so there's about 4-5dbs max on snare hits. That's it, no clipping like I've been known to do heavily. This is probably the most minimal drum processing I've done in a while. I love the Sheps73 EQ because of how limited it is. It probably sounds no better than any other plugin EQ, its just that the Q's are fixed, there's only 3 bands, and you only have to make a couple of decisions and then commit to it. All guitars and bass are processed with that EQ as well. I guess less is more in this case.
The room sounds on the Allair kit are the best in my opinion in the whole Superior line. The default kit sounds like a tin can, but load up all the rooms and its huge. There's a little too much sustain on the kit pieces though so it easy to get out of control, but that's why I adjusted the decay parameters in the interface. I used the Rogers snare. The Ludwig metal snare sounds better, but the ghost notes didn't sound nearly as good. The kick used is the 16x22 Ludwug. The close mic is triggered, but a ton of the kick tone heard in the song is from the room mics.