new song in work


Feb 13, 2013
In a week or two. we are going to lay down some vocals on a couple of song:Smokedev:

i feel like im stuck with mixing. cant figure out if the mix sound good or bad?:goggly:

What do u think? here two of the song we are about to lay some vocals on. did a fast master on it also. all prodution are ITB so i can change just about everything eq, comp, guitar and bass.
one is metal other are little more rock/metal.

drums are real but run throu drumagog because we recorded it in our bad rehearsal room so the drum did not record so well.
Guitars are brainworks rockrack with torpedo as impulse loader.
Bass is ezmix because im lazy motherF. :)

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Everything is sounding pretty cool IMO, the only thing that's letting you down is bad performances. Timings are all over the place for both songs which gives a feeling of unease. Tighten them up with editing and it'll be much easier to be satisfied with your mixes.