New song! Maiden meets dream theater

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
Well some sort of E-tuned epic proggish metal anyway.

This is one of my old bands. We split up a couple of years ago, but I only got round to finish mixing this the other day. We recorded another song which is 21mins long, but way off being finished at the moment.

Any advice on this mix would be appreciated. I don't think I've put anything up here for public consumption/criticism/abuse yet. If anyone cares:

Real drums
6505 for rhythms
Diezel VH4 for leads
Mesa oversized 4x12 cab
Oh it´s so good, listening to E -tuned guitars again :) Great song, very clear mix, dude. It´s not easy finding the hair in the soup. Maybe the drums could be more aggressive sounding, especially the snare. The part beginning 3:30 sounds harmless. More Power!!

Guitars are perfect for the song!
DAMN! FMR should endorse you because it is RNS (Really Nice Song) :D

Tasty lead!

maybe you can make backing vocal wider

please give me details about bass chain.

Amazing song!
Thanks a lot of the comments guys. Yeah I play guitars on this, although only the first out of the three part solo is mine.

Agree on the snare Felix.

Bass chain is:

Warwick streamer into RBI Sansamp
split into 3 separate tracks.
1 track is the DI, which has some boosted bass frequencies and a few notches here and there.
2 track is the RBI, not EQd that much apart from a little of the bass taken out.
3 tracks is quite a bit quieter an is the DI but with some amp-sim plug in on it. This track is very scooped mids, and quite a bit of gain on it.

Most of the bass tone comes from the sansamp though.