New song, not metal, opinions please


Sep 20, 2003
Our new song Grinding Down The Sun is up in our myspace sig. Closer to rock than metal. It was recorded using a bass which hasn't had its strings changed in 3 years through a POD, a Carvin DC727 w/tone zone through the POD, a DR-670 drum machine, vocals through an SM58, on to Cubase LE through a Firepod. I worked hard on the mix because I believe in the track, but our next songs will all be done full band. This may be the last of its kind for us. I'd like opinions on the mixing, especially the levels, what should go higher or lower, what you feel isn't coming through as it should on any instrument. And also the tones, guitar tone, snare sound etc, not for itself, but as ideas, because this is the kind of information I can then use in the full-band recordings, where set-up will be utterly key due to short times in the studio.
Anyone who listens and comments, much appreciated, I will endeavour to check and review your mixes and songs also, it's fun as there are a lot of very talented people on this forum
i'd appreciate some opinions, i know everyone wants their own stuff heard without listening to anyone else's, but i have some fairly specific questions