New song titles...


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Well, if you subscribe to the mailing list...

"The album is still untitled, but some preliminary song titles include 'Cathode ray sunshine', 'Static', 'The poison well' and 'Format c: for
Oh.. Hey.. How futuristic. :p
I hope they'll change at least the latter. I hate MS-DOS.

Also, "The material is taking
shape at a steady pace, and as things look now it will be a very diverse offering featuring musical traces from all stages of our 12 year career as well as a host of new influences."
Anyone have anything to say about this? Too early to say much, I guess. I'd like to hear the traces from "Trail of Life Decayed" though.. He he.
Hehehe naa i hope they keep the Dos name. Its a good thing to you linux geeks cause dos is the worst nightmare of win9x users cause they had to use it whenever their drivers get misplaced and they are stuck in the dos :D
pretty damn interesting, i subscribe, whers mine? Grr...anyway. Please dont name it Format C, that is a hoooooooorrible name. Also, static reminds me of static x, lol. Seems the cd will have a 'futurstic' tinge too it, will be interesting, and glad to hear the news.
Originally posted by phyre

'Format c: for
Oh.. Hey.. How futuristic. :p
I hope they'll change at least the latter. I hate MS-DOS.

hmmm... I know you would prefer "rm -r /", wouldn't you? :)
if DT guys were FreeBSD fans and hated windblowth, they would for sure call it
"mount_msdos /dev/ad0s1 /mnt/c;cd /mnt/c;rm -r *" :lol:

sorry folks for my unworthy computer head. 8 hours/6 days of programming a week drive me completely insane
my head is still spinning with the possibilities... new album... old musical traces and new influences... those song titles (in the vein of cornered's lyrics, i reckon)... it's really too soon to tell, but they never disappointed the wildest expectations.

i'm happy as a baby. :hotjump:

i'm frightened as hell. :s

all possible titles suck...hmm I'm curious to listen to it.....hmmm.....
and also worried :(

and thanks for reminding to check my poor full of cobwebs and dust mailbox :p
the idea with computer based titles has been brought up by some bands already (Radiohead: OK COMPUTER, Gathering: If_Then_Else) etc. so format c: won't be that unique. besides, for me the format command is always tomething you only do if everything is wrong and there's no other way to get that damn thing back running. it's not a good album title for DT, for it sounds to me that the listener should forget everything he has heard before of DT and should begin at zero. it sounds that the new album hasn't anything to do with the older records...

but what about "D++" when we are at computer languages? the increment of Dark Tranquillity so to speak...
Originally posted by VultureCulture
it's not a good album title for DT,

format c: it's not supposed to be the album title.

now that my heart stopped beating (.) too fast to think straight, i dare to express some opinion:
cathode ray sunshine, monochromatic stains and the poison well are ok - they sound like dt alright (mind's i era, maybe).
static seems rather dull, but i admit of having something against one-word titles (they tend to be rather commonplace).
as for the already infamous format c: for cortex, i think i like it. the second part of the title helps understanding that dt are not just referring to the 'world of personal computers' but keeping on their usual metaphors and connections between what's human (evolution-psychology-filters) and what is man-made (machines-language). do i see niklas' hand in all of this?

Aaarghhh! I just tried to post a LONG post commenting these and for some reason it didn't work and I lost everything. Right now when I have very little time anyway (a million things to do before Christmas and I'm sick). :( :mad: :(

I'll rewrite what I just wrote in short. I join the "frightened, but curious" crew of yours and share those views. Some of my thoughts on the titles will follow. I'll skip the obvious attention-holder "Format c: for Cortex" (Niklas knew what would happen here, when he told us the title, didn't he) and concentrate on the more interesting ones.

"Cathode Ray Sunshine" - I'm not sure, what the first word means, but I assume it has something to do with physics - which would indeed take us back to those TMI-days. However, the latter part reminds me of Sun Fired Blanks, which was the "different" song on Projector with no clean vocals. I would throw a wild guess and say the song will be fast and guitar-driven with little room for calmer moments. (and I'm probably far by lightyears...)

"Static" - Unlike Rahvin, I do like short and simple song titles (eh, Haven ;) ), or at least some of them. This one is very nice and "stannesque", hinting of psychological, instead of physical approach, in terms of "static life" or "static thought-patterns" or something like that. And again I might be very wrong, but I smell a bit of Auctioned here... well, at least I hope it is not Fabric.

"The Poison Well" - Reminds me of an awful HIM-song with a similar title; hopefully this one is a better song. An obvious metaphor here (or wouldn't it be funny, if the song actually were about a real well somewhere with poisoned water? perhaps not), but for what? Hmmm, perhaps a counter-force for the "fountain" in Edenspring? Dunno.

"Monochromatic Stains" - Now, here's the title I like the most; it is at the same time very "darktranquillish", yet refreshing, while it paints various images on my mind. Good. I like stains for some reason. And again I have no true idea, how the song will be like, but my guts tell me it will be very anguishing and introspective. Don't dare to say anything more.

I'll get back on these as soon as I have more time.

Originally posted by Villain
"Cathode Ray Sunshine" - I'm not sure, what the first word means, but I assume it has something to do with physics - which would indeed take us back to those TMI-days. However, the latter part reminds me of Sun Fired Blanks, which was the "different" song on Projector with no clean vocals.

just a quickie, villain (i got a lot of things to do myself). the word grouping is (cathode ray) (sunshine)... maybe that kinda spoils your 'sun fired blanks' parallel, but i have the same feeling the song will be up-tempoed.

a cathod ray is in fact what goes on in a tv set: anode/cathode are labels defining + and - polarity in physics/electricity. so here we're talking about a kind of sunlight that really comes from a ray of polarised light. i'm positive. i'm almost sure. i think. :confused:

yeah I always thought Cathode Rays were in tvs and computer screens.

Im not nervous about the content because DT ALWAYS reinvents themselves, I do fell more electronics coming tho, a lot more. Brandstroms gonna have fun this album me thinks!

As for the titles, eh.......I didnt really like the titles on Projector either but their great songs so as long as the contents good I wont be too nit picky about the song titles.

Keep up the good work DT!

Originally posted by wildfyr
of course. how could i forget? :)

hmmm... let's see... an exceptionally selective lobotomy? ;)

nah, just joking. people forget. time passes. ages come and go. the rainforests dwindle and disappear. it's all in a day's work. :)
