New song titles...

Originally posted by Villain
"Static" - Unlike Rahvin, I do like short and simple song titles (eh, Haven ;) ), or at least some of them. This one is very nice and "stannesque", hinting of psychological, instead of physical approach, in terms of "static life" or "static thought-patterns" or something like that. And again I might be very wrong, but I smell a bit of Auctioned here... well, at least I hope it is not Fabric.
Interestingly enough (or maybe not), it's for me the most physics-tasting title of all. It makes me think of electrostatics, which evokes landscapes of disequilibrium, strong and increasing (psichological-psychophysical-psychosomatic) unstability which can ultimately evolve (degenerate?) in (self-)destructive discharges towards the inside (and this reminds me of Insanity's crescendo and something else I'm not completely sure about right now) and also, during the whole process, deeply alter the communication frames and parameters (cf "the static drowns my parting kiss", from Skyclad) towards the outside (and this reminds me of Projector as a whole, and also Cornered and perhaps Ego drama).

Btw, I don't love "format c: for cortex" at first sight: I find it too redundant. I hope the lyrics will redeem the title :D

@alfred: i do agree on your rendition of how the song title might hint to the lyrics, but - frankly - your post was slightly too 'p-' words intensive. ;) what are you trying to prove? are you friends with eta beta (does this disney charachter exist in any other country?) ? :D

rahvin. (whose skin started itching about halfway through good ole alfred's post)
Originally posted by rahvin
@alfred: i do agree on your rendition of how the song title might hint to the lyrics, but - frankly - your post was slightly too 'p-' words intensive. ;)

Pity. Perhaps I posted proudly presuming people'd 'preciate pleasant pseudo-euphonies. Pardon. :)

what are you trying to prove?

Maybe that later than a certain hour my mind is completely unable to work on any basis even slightly more trustwothy than sheer allitteration? :D

are you friends with eta beta (does this disney charachter exist in any other country?) ? :D

The original american name is "Eega Beeva" and he exists in a lot of other countries (, but I don't know if abroad he keeps the habit to talk randomly placing "p-" letters before words that begin with a consonant (but I doubt about it). Can anyone enlighten me/us? :D

rahvin. (whose skin started itching about halfway through good ole alfred's post)

Whoops, sorry. Van Der Raahvin? :)
