New Song Titles


Mar 15, 2005
Cleveland, OH
Via Blabbercrap...

ANTHRAX has so far laid down the guitars, bass and drums for six songs — including "The Battle Chose Us", "You Gotta Believe" and "The Evil Twin" — and plans on completing the first batch of tracks before moving on to the remaining 15 tunes.

There was also this snippet...

Regarding the musical direction of the new ANTHRAX material, Benante said: "We're continuing on the same path we were on with ['Worship Music']. Some of the songs are even more aggressive. Three or four are pretty thrashy, including one of the fastest songs we've recorded in years. When we did it, the mood was there and we were like, 'Fuck, this is awesome. Let's go with it.' [Another song] will probably be six minutes long and take you on a musical journey."

I can't wait.
I've already downloaded and edited the 'rhythm tracks' and play it on my ipod :) I'm assuming it's from the song for the Game of Thrones soundtrack.