Let me know what u guys think about it 
Setup is the same as my latest song, except for a tad more lows in the bass and now it's my Caparison who dictates the rules here.
This one is more commercial song. Some of you may also remember it from this collaboration with the singer Tiffany Gow. Too bad Tiff didn't send me the vocal tracks but the whole mix that time, so i can't remix her vox with the new version of the same song.
Thanks for listening, enjoy it!!
Best wishes

Setup is the same as my latest song, except for a tad more lows in the bass and now it's my Caparison who dictates the rules here.

This one is more commercial song. Some of you may also remember it from this collaboration with the singer Tiffany Gow. Too bad Tiff didn't send me the vocal tracks but the whole mix that time, so i can't remix her vox with the new version of the same song.
Thanks for listening, enjoy it!!

Best wishes