New song, Zeronaut already came on it. EPIC Symphonic Metal!!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Let me know what u guys think about it :D

Setup is the same as my latest song, except for a tad more lows in the bass and now it's my Caparison who dictates the rules here. :lol: EMG 85 FTW!

This one is more commercial song. Some of you may also remember it from this collaboration with the singer Tiffany Gow. Too bad Tiff didn't send me the vocal tracks but the whole mix that time, so i can't remix her vox with the new version of the same song.

Thanks for listening, enjoy it!! :D
Best wishes
i think that title can make some misundertandings...

Great stuff as always

P.S: and its "THE"-Zeronaut , Im the only fucking one
theres no other one as cool as me :kickass::lol:
i think that title can make some misundertandings...

Great stuff as always

P.S: and its "THE"-Zeronaut , Im the only fucking one
theres no other one as cool as me :kickass::lol:


wow sounds really good! I really dig the guitar sound, kinda swedish sounding! :D

Hey! I'll take that as the best compliment i've ever had coming from a Swede :notworthy:rock:

Thanks for listening it ;)
This has seriously got the best thing I've heard from you yet. I don't know what to pick out that I like most. That guitar sound is just great. NICE!!
Fantastic work! I dig it alot. Good song for a viking invasion:lol:

Kick could be a bit louder. Snare could use more crack. I'm really nitpicking here tho, very good job.
Hehe, thank you very much ^^

Any suggestions on improvement?? isn't the snare a bit too dark?

I personally like it just the way it is. Stuff like Nightwish, Epica, After Forever, Within Temptation (not that this is exactly like them) doesn't have that super cracky snare...and works just fine. I think it works just fine for this mix. (just my opinion though!) And again...great work!
I personally like it just the way it is. Stuff like Nightwish, Epica, After Forever, Within Temptation (not that this is exactly like them) doesn't have that super cracky snare...and works just fine. I think it works just fine for this mix. (just my opinion though!) And again...great work!

Well, my project idea is to mix the best elements on both genres (death metal and symphonic bands u listed), so i need to have good middy guitars, grindy bass, epic orchestras AND punchy drums :D

May be impossible to get a great blend of both styles but I'm here to test it :lol:

Thanks for the answers!! ;)
Thanks guys ;)

Yep, still the demo (and it's a real pain when it comes to set up 4 instances in the DAW after tracking...). I just bounce every track twice and cut the white noise parts and replace them with the "healthy" ones in the other bounced track. :D

Cheers!! ;)
Thanks guys ;)

Yep, still the demo (and it's a real pain when it comes to set up 4 instances in the DAW after tracking...). I just bounce every track twice and cut the white noise parts and replace them with the "healthy" ones in the other bounced track. :D

Cheers!! ;)

Very clever, heh.

Great song. I actually have already listened it in your myspace with vox and the chorus is just great, very emotive.

As an improvement, the keys on the intro sounds too midi. It could be better to make it bigger, it sounds very thin now. And I agree on the snare drum. It sounds too far away, it lacks that 'in your face' thing.

About the guitars, they sound a bit different than the other songs to me. Less mids maybe? Oh, now I've read that you are using EMG85 now. It sounds a bit less bright to me, but anyway... good tone in there!