This is ridiculous, another completed song for Dandelium... STOP ME!!

Good song, not as catchy as most of your other stuff, but I really like the guitar riffs you've got there!
The hi-hat break you got in there was a little long I think, you should had some background noise/ambience or something, it was a little sterile :p

The snare is really annoying, is there transient modifier or clipper? Also,I agree about the hi-hat part. The song is a bit unrefined but I'd be happy to "shit" sonds like that every day :)
Mix wise it's quite good, only I don't like that break and I also don't like the sound of the hihat. To be honest, throw this song away, it's definately not bad but in this world of 10001 bands it means nothing. I wanna see a nice Dandelium album some time, not 3 great songs and 7 'ok' songs if you get what I mean...
Scooptacular guitars once again, but I guess I just need to accept it :D These sound a bit metallic again though, you haven't strayed back to Revalver, have you? ;) SWEET fucking harmonics though, damn! OOoog, that snare is NOT working on the blast beats though, wow (very robotic) - do you only have one hit of that sample? And honestly, I feel it's a bit too thin and snappy in general, a bit of a cut in the 4-6k range would help IMO! Oh, and I can't hear (or feel) very much bass guitar. And what the hell is that hi-hat? Sounds like it's made of shimmery wood in that vocal break :lol: When the orchestra/riff comes in after that break though, it's heavy as shit, though the orchestra is a bit too loud and feels a bit unbalanced as far as panning goes (too left IMO). Overall cool though!

Oh, and what does "tema" mean, btw? I see it on all your songs (at first I thought it was the title :lol: )
Hehe, thanks to all!!

Hey Marcus :D I think we just got very different tastes for guitar sound. No!! I didn't switch back to Revalver, the problem is I mixed this without my usual templates, so everything is a bit random EQ wise. I didn't work too much on it because tomorrow I'll get my HD back and will mix everything thru my usual plugs and templates. BTW, I have loads of samples from the snare, but it sounds really robotic :erk:, as if drumagog was triggering only one of them, will check it.
The bass is there, and should be clearly heard, may be too blended with guitars or lacking lowend (unsure about it), I'll take a look tomorrow (monitors).

Best wishes!!

PS: tema=song :lol:

I'm not so fond with the guitar tone at all, i think it just works for the rest of the mix, however, will post settings as you asked ;)
Good song indeed!

There were a few things I was annoyed at also, but they have already been said so I wouldn't add anything new to the feedback. I also agree the snare could use a little bit more work... maybe the kick could be just a tad more "smacky", as in more attack or something... or atleast judgding by the amount of attack the snare has, the kick is lacking some right now. You should divide the attack a bit better among the kick and snare.

I like your guitar tone dude, I wouldn't expect a very middy tone fitting your style at all. Good work!
The only thing that has ever bothered me about your mixes and seems to be the cause of the complaints in this thread, is that, you come off with symphonic metal that is completely dry. A huge element of anything orchestral and any melodic metal is the spacious and roomy atmosphere. Sounds like there is absolutley no reverb in this mix. That would be a huge fix to the snare which is my only propbelm with it and is most liekly the reason for the complaints. I noticed that there was a good amount of reverb on the toms and kick when the drums are out by themselves but from my work the snare has to be almost over the top when its by itself and wherer it is somewhat noticable when its in a mix.

Good reverb on the drums and orchestra will glue everything together as well as having the bass balanced. Get the bass up and bumping alongside the guitars and then drums, its the bass's job to glue the guitars to the drums. Right now and in all the other mixes I have heard everything is so dry that it is separated and nothing glues together or blends. Get the bass mixed up right and get the spacious reverb and the mix should mesh and actually sound huge.

A great example to lead you with was I was on myspace and checked out the Dream Theaters Greatest Hit CD on their page, they did remixes of some of their old songs and they completely redid everything including removing the reverb. I then went back and fourth comparing the mixes. Needless to say the orignal mixes sound huge and majestic with the overflowing amounts of reverb and high end eq.