New Sonus Mortis


Aug 2, 2007
Just finished the new album for one man project, Sonus Mortis.
Super talented guy who programs and plays everything and sings too :-O
I can answer any questions re the tracking and production of this.
I can't upload multis so don't ask :p

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Great mix!
The guitars sound natural and sit well in the mix. What amp was used?(it sounds like a marshall).
How did you pan the vocals(lead and backing vocals)
Great job man!
Guitars are 6505 green channel boosted with ts 808 left and 5153 50wt channel 2 boosted with ts808 right.
Middle guitar is 5153 ch3 no boost.
All into recto cab with 57&421 on different cones into focusrite Isa828 mic pres.
Main vocal is centred with different fx for different parts.
Clean vocals are 9 and 3 o'clock sent to huge Valhalla vintage verb hall.
Another track from this album up on soundcloud now.
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