New Speakers For The Vader?

Dec 13, 2007
I was in the studio recently, trying out all the cabs and everything, the usual "getting some tones" kinda thing. When I tried the be honest it was rather underwhelming. I heard often that Vaders sound amazing live, but not on tape, and I think that's true. I think a lot of bands who endorse Vader, only use it live and in the studio they use something else. It had a little too much roundness to the low end and it wasn't present enough. Ran through a marshall 1960B, a marshall with unknown speakers, and then a Mesa. The Mesa sounded the best out of everything (V30 speakers) however I'm still not wowed by it. I'm thinking of going back (since we've got more tracking to do) to try some mic techniques to see if I can accurately capture the in room sound of the Vader..but speaker options might be worth looking into.

In the room, I didn't like the Mesa, but on tape it sounded alright. My main problem with it is that it made the sound very saturated. My amp is pretty dry, even with the gain cranked, and the Vader helped keep it tight..but the Mesa gives saturation and sags a little more. I'd been thinking about getting EVM-L Black Label speakers thinking it'll be something similar to the Legends of the Vader, just a little warmer. I've been listening to the recorded song constantly, trying to pinpoint exactly what I like and dislike about the sound..the main gripe is the saturation. Maybe the Celestion K-100s?

Any other options? Mind you I'm talking about for recording purposes.Somehow I need to desaturate and tighten this.
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Clips of?...The clip is in the original post.

DrakkarTyrannis said:
I was in the studio recently, trying out all the cabs and everything, the usual "getting some tones" kinda thing. When I tried the be honest it was rather underwhelming. I heard often that Vaders sound amazing live, but not on tape, and I think that's true. I think a lot of bands who endorse Vader, only use it live and in the studio they use something else. It had a little too much roundness to the low end and it wasn't present enough. Ran through a marshall 1960B, a marshall with unknown speakers, and then a Mesa. The Mesa sounded the best out of everything (V30 speakers) however I'm still not wowed by it. I'm thinking of going back (since we've got more tracking to do) to try some mic techniques to see if I can accurately capture the in room sound of the Vader..but speaker options might be worth looking into.

In the room, I didn't like the Mesa, but on tape it sounded alright. My main problem with it is that it made the sound very saturated. My amp is pretty dry, even with the gain cranked, and the Vader helped keep it tight..but the Mesa gives saturation and sags a little more. I'd been thinking about getting EVM-L Black Label speakers thinking it'll be something similar to the Legends of the Vader, just a little warmer. I've been listening to the recorded song constantly, trying to pinpoint exactly what I like and dislike about the sound..the main gripe is the saturation. Maybe the Celestion K-100s?

Any other options? Mind you I'm talking about for recording purposes.Somehow I need to desaturate and tighten this.

...uh, no there is not? :lol: Hearing what it sounds like can help others to suggest something based on their knowledge/experience and using the current sound as the control.
Wow that sounds extremely thin and has no punch at all. id try making it a lil more punchy in the mids and lows. like there is almost no low end. like this song will rule if you could get it more punchy

It's funny that you say that..because to me it had a little too much low end. When I tried my Vader cab it had a roundness to the lows that seemed prevalent, the mids weren't very outstanding and the highs had a fizz to it.

Tried g12-75 and it was thin and razor edged...Then the mesa with V30's which are in this video. It solved the mid problem, the lows are a bit better, but all in all it sounded really saturated. The JSX itself is rather dry, even with the gain on 10, but through the V30s I had to turn down the gain considerably and even then it sagged too much and sounded really wet. To be honest the more I listen to it, the more it grows on me, I never hated it, but it could be better. I'm going to try out some mic positions and some G12K-100s to see if that could do it.
The overall mix has a shitload of lows, I suppose via youtube it doesn't sound all that hot but in a stereo system or something like that it sounds good. And most of the lows in the song are the bass, that's not my guitar although it has a decent amount.