New Spideman Movie


They wouldn't pump millions of dollars in a movie, if they just want the comic nerds to see it.

it depends on who is incharge of what the movie looks like
if the studio wants to make a movie that's entertaining to someone that knows absolutely nothing about the source material, you end up with a movie like that Super Mario Bros movie

but if you get someone trying to make a movie that's entertaining to the hardcore fans of the source material, you get a movie like Watchmen

with a movie based on a superhero, it's pretty much impossible to entertain both groups of people
and with a sequel to a superhero movie, it's pretty easy to piss off both groups of people, like spiderman 3
1. Superman 2
2. Spiderman
3. Spiderman 2
4. Batman Begins
5. The Dark Knight
6. A History of Violence
7. Sin City
8. Watchmen
9. The Crow
10. Hellboy
11. Blade
12. Batman
13. Batman Returns (although Penguin was annoying as hell)
14. Men in Black
15. Kick-Ass
16. Wanted
17. Iron Man
18. Akira (I don't care what anyone says, Manga = Comic Book)
19. Ghost in the Shell
you forgot 300! LIST INVALID!

also, spiderman 2 was pretty weak
you forgot 300! LIST INVALID!

also, spiderman 2 was pretty weak

I didn't "forget" 300. 300 was the most boring homoerotic display of machoism wrapped up in an Mtv music video that I've ever fallen asleep to...twice. The best part about 300 is that it was an apartment door number in Watchmen. I'll agree that Spiderman 2 was not the best of the first two--although critics seem to think it was. I thought the first had a lot more character, but the second was still very good for a superhero movie.

it depends on who is incharge of what the movie looks like
if the studio wants to make a movie that's entertaining to someone that knows absolutely nothing about the source material, you end up with a movie like that Super Mario Bros movie

but if you get someone trying to make a movie that's entertaining to the hardcore fans of the source material, you get a movie like Watchmen

with a movie based on a superhero, it's pretty much impossible to entertain both groups of people

And that's probably why Watchmen made almost no money in the process. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight show exactly how wrong your opinion on who these movies are made for is, similarly the first two Spiderman movies. Yeah, both characters were extremely iconic in pop culture already, but you don't spend that much money as well as gross that much more in return if all you're doing is targeting "the fans". I can guarantee you that most of those movies were paid for by people who knew very little, or nothing at all about either of the character's canon.

You also listed a video game in your first example. There has yet to be any movie based off of a video game that did not completely blow.
Currently Bioware is working with Legendary pictures to produce a Mass Effect movie--so that trend might finally change, but probably not. Could have been good if they had taken all of the money from The Old Republic and used to for the movie though.
you're a homoerotic display, 300 is pure manly man stuff. you probably dont like spartacus either "ehh theres too much tits and gore, not enough grab-ass" you make me physically ill!
you're a homoerotic display, 300 is pure manly man stuff. you probably dont like spartacus either "ehh theres too much tits and gore, not enough grab-ass" you make me physically ill!

If you're talking about the Stars series Blood and Sand; I absolutely loved that series, and it's "prequel". :tickled: Still waiting for the main star to recover from his cancer treatments so that they can begin filming the second season.

300 was just way too much style over any kind of substance, and played like a video game taking itself ultra seriously. Plus, for as much money as they spent on it, you would think that they could have gotten something better than a CGI wolf that looked like it was from a first generation Playstation game cutscene.

Zach Snyder is so bipolar with his movies. He goes from great to suck, to great to suck.
If you're talking about the Stars series Blood and Sand; I absolutely loved that series, and it's "prequel". :tickled: Still waiting for the main star to recover from his cancer treatments so that they can begin filming the second season.

They've already filmed it, and they replaced him with another actor.

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probably wont be as good as the first two runs since batiatis and lucretia were the most interesting characters to me, but im still looking forward to it. im sure there will be barrels of blood spray and hopefully that evil blonde bitch gets naked a bunch.
for those who don't read superhero comics
re-read this

Get the out of here with that nonsense you social outcast.

The target audience is not sissies like you that grew up reading comic books hoping the man in tights would come save you from your miserable existence while the rest of us were watching G.I Joe and playing sports.
Get the out of here with that nonsense you social outcast.

The target audience is not sissies like you that grew up reading comic books hoping the man in tights would come save you from your miserable existence while the rest of us were watching G.I Joe and playing sports.

lol I read comic books and never played sports.

Besides fencing, the gentleman's sport.
I can guarantee you that most of those movies were paid for by people who knew very little, or nothing at all about either of the character's canon.

there's a really huge difference between the person who finanaces the movie, and the people that actually have any control whatsoever over what the freaking movie actually looks like

i can pretty much gaurantee you that the person that actually finanaces any movie based on any pre-existing source material is almost always a person that knows absolutely nothing about the source material untill the moment that someone starts trying to convince them to finance the movie

i'm saying that the writers/directors/producers of superhero movies should start being exclusively people that are actually fans of the source material,
writers/directors/producers are employees that are getting their paychecks out of the pocket of the person that's "financing" the movie