New Spitz interview

I like how he says if he had a lighter he'd burn The Greater Of Two Evils, and how much it hurt him that they did it. Everytime I think I can't stand this guy anymore than I already do he ends up proving me wrong, fucking dwarf. Go back to making watches.
basically what you listen to on the album is all my leads copied by my roadie Paul Crook and Dimebag, note for note. If we ever have to go to court for real in front of the judge, the tapes can come out.

What Does He Mean By "Basically...."

"Basically" is a strong word....
ba·si·cal·ly (bā'sĭ-kə-lē, -klē)
1. In a basic way; fundamentally or essentially: Throughout the ordeal, he remained basically the same.
2. For the most part; chiefly: They basically do what they are supposed to.
Dude, I hate to admit it but redaing Danny interviews makes me cringe sometimes...

"I spent about a year writing that 8-ball album that they put out..."

Sweet Zombie Jesus!!!
"... the next guy was never part of Anthrax, Fred Flintstone as they they call him, these are just hired people who make 500$ a week or whatever they make."
manthatfollowshell said:
Sorry if this is old news, I saw it on Blabbermouth.

He says Dime "copied" his riffs on Stomp 442

Quite a different story than what the band said previously about when Spitz was kicked from the band. According to Charlie the leads Spitz was coming up with werent any good and Charlie was showing him what to play and it was something like that with the leads for SOWN too.

As for Dime copying his riffs and leads, thats laughable and just shows what a real jerk Spitz truly is, go play your Korn albums Danny Boy! If you werent kicked out of the band for your unremarkable playing you should have been for your stupid big mouth.
I don't really see anything wrong with him saying these things. If this is how he feels.
DumbAss said:
I don't really see anything wrong with him saying these things. If this is how he feels.

Its been said a hundred times over in this world. Words can kill. Even if what he said WAS what he meant or what-not, I do not think they were intended to be taken seriously.....
I couldn't read the whole thing just skipped around - guess I'm impatient while drinking. Is dude a writing machine or what? :Spin: Official Statement Regarding Recent Anthrax Interview

Since our interviewer and our whole webzine has been referred to as
“tabloid-esque journalism” with an interview that is “a compilation of
bullshit”, we felt we needed to make a statement about the interview that
was done with Anthrax guitarist Dan Spitz.

Many people that have been upset about the comments and excerpts that
Blabbermouth chose to highlight from the interview. Many who commented on
it seem to have not even read the actual interview in full and are simply
reacting to an attention grabbing headline. interviewer, Marko Syrjälä, says that: “the impression I
got while talking at length with Dan Spitz, was that he absolutely was not
bad-mouthing anybody, just being very honest, which is a rare thing these
days. In no way did anything he said come across to me as arrogant or
malicious. Understandably, that aspect may not have been so obvious in the
written form. I saw none of the comments as stabs at anyone personally.
People (some on purpose I'm sure) are reading way too much into things,
the overall tone of the whole interview was very positive and it was also
quite clear that Dan is really very pleased to be back playing with the
guys and is looking forward to making new music. I hope that clears up
some of the confusion.”

We would like to emphasize, however, that the interview did happen and
there was no fabrication whatsoever. This can be witnessed from the
recorded interview, which runs uninterrupted for almost an hour and a

We hope this clears up any confusion and that we can put this drama behind
us. As Anthrax fans, we wish all the best for the band and for Dan and
hope that they will soon be releasing a new album that will kick our
collective asses!

hmm... so Danny basically said the interview for all intents and purposes was fake... but metal-rules is saying it isn't?
yup thats abt the size of it. Cant we close like 3 out of the 5 threads on the exact same topic?
House of Seance said:
hmm... so Danny basically said the interview for all intents and purposes was fake... but metal-rules is saying it isn't?

I understood it that way that he said what was issued came across as pretty distorted.