The way I look at it is, Dan may not have wanted Bush in the band, but he still did a record with the guy. If he really was against Bush he would have bailed before SOWN. Why this sudden rage is just now surfacing is beyond me. Weather you like someones playing or singing or not really does not matter, but, he said things that were disrespectfull to the band that he has now decided to re-join. It makes no sense to put your own band down. And maybe you have not been around for the past 13 years, but, Dan Spitz will always be a big part of the Anthrax story. Why he would choose to taint that story is, again, beyond me.
And about this whole "cover band" comment;
1. A cover band usually does not write 4 albums of new material together.
2. Joey knows a little bit about Anthrax cover bands, why don't we ask him how he feels.
Spitz should be greatfull he ever got offered a second chance. If he is so comfy with his other musical stuff and watchmaking then he should not have accepted Scott and Charlie's offer. To come back just to make these comments is unproffesional. He's getting paid to do something he claims to love. If I were him (and thank the cross-eyed gods I'm not) I would keep my damn mouth shut and go back to fixing watches. Just my opinion here, I'm not trying to start any shit. I am just getting fed up with all this drama surrounding a band I love. John, Joey, who the fuck ever - I just want to keep going to shows and buying new music from a group of guys who have so far, not let me down. I gotta say though, this reunion, and all it's shit talking high school BS has been the low point of my time as an Anthrax fan.