New Stratovarius

I know Tolkki got stabbed, don't know if anyone from Hammerfall did.

Jens is the biggest King. My mrs has the Strato DVD... when he blows up that toilet, fucking hilarious. Gee he's done a lot of good work for a lot of good artists.

Yngwie, Dio, Strato...

/me bows down to Jens
Thanks for the fill-in, folks.

Wouldn't the Hammerfall dude have been able to fight the attacker off with his sword or something?

Timo Tolkki was assaulted in the centre of Granada on Sunday as he was having a walk. According to Stratovarius keyboard player Jens Johansson, who witnessed the attack, the man was extremely agitated and had "a Hispanic looking appearance". As he attacked, he shouted "Tolkki". He was armed with what seemed to be a box cutter.

Tolkki was taken to a nearby hospital, where Dr. Fernandez treated him. He was admitted to emergency care. He had two stab wounds on his left arm and a facial contusion. His wounds were cleaned and bandaged and he was released from hospital care.

We would like to ask anybody with any information about the attacker to contact the police.

Tolkki comments that he is "shocked and horrified" by what happened. "Apparently this guy had been stalking me. The bastard attacked me from behind", Tolkki continues. "I can take anything, but that was such a cowardly act, you know. He got me with the knife twice and punched me in the face. Then he ran away. The whole thing lasted just seconds. Now I am thinking that this might be the end of my career. I do not want to end up like John Lennon. I don't know if I want to continue Stratovarius anymore".

When asked if he thinks that the attack has something to do with the resent changes in Stratovarius line up and the death threats he has received, Tolkki comments: "of course I feel there is a connection to that. Why would anybody attack me like that otherwise? What possible other motive this guy could have had than that? I think he tried to kill me, but this time I was lucky".