New studio finished! (kind of)


Well, long story short: After 10 years in a dark and crammed basement, we lost the contract for the place and had to move within 3 months. Luckily, we had just been out scouting for a new place and we had one of interest, so we decided to rent that one.

Between christmas and newyears, we demolished the old place (kind of sad). Had to take EVERYTHING out, walls and all. Around the same time, construction started in the new place. It was a lot of crazy work but we managed to finish in March this year. Well, more or less finish. There are still some stuff to be done (living room walls aren't painted yet, we haven't put up proper lights, etc) but we are back in business and we are working on having everything done like it should be.

I posted some pictures on the homepage in case anyone would be interested to see how it looks! I guess that was pretty much the purpose of this thread, soooo... Here you go!
Nice dude, I dig the acoustic treatment, are those just wood panels of various sizes nailed to a frame in each corner of the drum room? And what's the purpose of those panels hanging perpindicular to your desk behind it?
Tommy Gun: Thanks! Such a difference to work there compared with the old place, the sound is WAY more controlled.

Metaltastic: Yeah exactly, and with spaces between the panels, ranging between 3 and 8 mm or something like that IIRC. Helmholtz resonators in other words, designed to work in wide range. We have the same thing in the control room, although completely symmetrical there while the ones you saw were made more random.
The hanging things are supposed to be bass traps. A bit of an experiment (and they are eventually supposed to be covered by a drape). I will probably go for some horizontal shelves there instead though since I've noticed that we're in desperate need of more storage space, and I guess there's nothing to keep the traps from being horizontal instead of vertical.