new stuff i'm looking forward too in 2003


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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well goes without saying new anthrax first up but i think its going to be a great year for heavy music.

spineshank,(loved there last album height of callousness)
metallica(who knows what to expect)
deftones(just hope there are a few heavier songs this time)
Echobrain are supposedly doin' a new 'un, which is nice. I need the new 'Thrax album after hearing 'superhero' in manchester and I will quite possibly die unless I hear the new 'Tallica album....other than that heavy music sucks at the mo'.:dopey:
Originally posted by anvil
New Iron Maiden album :headbang:

I was curious Anvil, have you heard if Maiden has recruited a new drummer? I am assuming that Nicko had to be replaced since he is playing with Dan "do the math" Spitz. Anyhow, a new Maiden album would be cool.


Originally posted by anvil
New Iron Maiden album :headbang:

Oh, I completley forgot about that. Of course, my expectations are low after Brave New World.

Originally posted by augdawg2
I was curious Anvil, have you heard if Maiden has recruited a new drummer? I am assuming that Nicko had to be replaced since he is playing with Dan "do the math" Spitz. Anyhow, a new Maiden album would be cool.

Hmm.. no I haven't heard that...
Originally posted by augdawg2
I was curious Anvil, have you heard if Maiden has recruited a new drummer? I am assuming that Nicko had to be replaced since he is playing with Dan "do the math" Spitz.

I don't think Nicko will be leaving. If he did i would :cry: