Tons of Killer Records To Wait For!!!

yeah, of course i disgrace heavy music with all the slayer, sepultura, megadeth, old metallica, megadeth, anthrax, testament, and iron maiden cds i own. limp bizkit and linkin park do suck and i dont see how someone could like those shitty bands, they are all about a bunch of mallcore bull shit
Man, I am glad someone admitted they liked Staind. They are just NOT brutal hardcore metal. It's something different. It's nice to have some people on here who like different things. Not the same old metal. SLAYER85, of all those bands you named, which could stand out and be different? NONE. Yeah, pathetic...
Originally posted by dutchy
Dutchy knows all!!!!!!!You like the redhead singer don't you??

YEEEAH Do you have any nude pics for exchange? :lol: :lol: Actually she has dyed her hair black lately, as far as I know.
And as for LB and LP, I admit they are perfect in what they do. But I hate their pose. They like to be associated with metal, but it's only trendy pop with some kind of "heavy" guitars to satisfy the "rough" boys. They write music for 13 year old kids and they pretend to be soooo heavy. I remember watching Linkin Park video with muted sound. I thought I was watching N'Sync or something. These guys are nowadays boy-bands, because some smart and fat producer got an idea, how to refresh this whole gay-boy-band scene - why don't we just give them bit of heavy guitars, so that they can look like hard-core ghetto boys? That would be cool, wouldn't it? I doubt they all will be around in five years. They won't, because the new ones, younger guys will take their place. It's all about business and it hasn't got anything in common with music. Even though they might produce very good records, like Chocolate Starfish, it's an excellent job! But I won't ever belong to their audience, sorry.
I see what you're saying...but I really don't think they try to be "heavy metal", I think they act like what they are. They all mostly try to be black and be with that crowd. That's why Limp has and is working with the Neptunes on the new record and Linkin Park has worked with numerous black producers and artists. You don't see them trying to get "metal" guys on their records. It just makes me mad that some heavy metal fans THINK they are cool and THINK it's cool to rip "trendy" bands that are somewhat influenced by rap...
Originally posted by Thraxhead1985
Deftones - "Deftones" (Don't have a clue on what to expect...)

it's going to be titled Lovers.

anyway, others:
My Dying Bride
A Perfect Circle
Nevermore (can't remember the title)
just because i dont like limp bizkit and linkin park i try to be trendy and rip on them, right, i like other music, i like some rap, some classic rock, some hair metal, and other shit. I just fucking hate nu-metal poser bull shit like linkin park, limp bizkit and all that crap
Get ready motherfuckers