Tons of Killer Records To Wait For!!!


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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Man, there are so many CD's coming out in 2003 that it makes me mad I have to wait because they come out in the later months!!! Then, they all come out around the same time, so I am going to be spending like 40 bucks everytime I go for a new release! Here are some of the "real" releases of 2003...

March 25th - Linkin Park - "Meteora" (Hey, they might be nu-metal, but they are damn good at it and write incredible songs that have hooks bands wish they had, plus this one is a lot heavier!)

April 15th - Anthrax - "We've Come For You All" (The biggest day in 2003, PERIOD!)

April 22nd - Black Label Society - "The Blessed Hellride" (Only a week after Anthrax comes out, could give it a run for it's money, but I doubt it...)

April 22nd - Nothingface - "Skeletons" (Another killer record from these guys, betcha!)

May 13th - Limp Bizkit - "Lessismore" - (I know they are also nu-metal, but they are the best at it, expect this record to be the heaviest and rappiest yet...The new guitarist is gonna shock all of us, I think they have a suprise in store when this comes out...)

May 20th - Powerman 5000 - "Transform" (Gonna be a new sound for these guys since they scrapped their other album, "Anyone for Doomsday?" entirely...

June 14th - Metallica - "St. Anger" (I am expecting a pretty groovy, heavy album, probably like the old stuff. A lot of people are gonna be surprised by this album, no doubt!)

July 15th - Spineshank - "Self-Destructive Pattern" (Probably gonna be of the best records of 2003, gonna be a brutal record...)

Others with no release date yet:
Jane's Addiction - "Hypersonic" (Don't know what to expect?)
Superjoint Ritual - N/A (Brutality at it's finest!)
Deftones - "Deftones" (Don't have a clue on what to expect...)

There are some more, but I can't think of what they are right now...
man no wonder you are excited about the year, for you there seems to be a shit load oif stuff coming out.......

out of that lot i'll be checking anthrax, metallica and the deftones, the othesr i will hear i am sure, but ain't buying em for sure.....not my bag at all

and "limp bizkit the best at it", surely a highly controversial statement !! :)
Don't forget the new Iron Maiden...
oh yeah, and I'm sure KISS and Aerosmith will put out compilations in time for their "Social Security Ain't Enough" Tour sponsored by Effident and Medic-Alert.
Hopefully Agent Steel will have a deal and ship their new album soon this year...

I'm going to have to hear the new Maiden album, I have a bad feeling about it, the newer Maiden albums have been too slow for me...

And of course Anthrax, I haven't heard any tracks from it, so it will be new to me once it finally comes out...:D
Originally posted by Johnny Ace
Don't forget the new Iron Maiden...
oh yeah, and I'm sure KISS and Aerosmith will put out compilations in time for their "Social Security Ain't Enough" Tour sponsored by Effident and Medic-Alert.

:lol: :lol:
I love Iron Maiden, now...again. "Brave New World" is their best album since "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son".
If you haven't heard it, check it out. It's definitely old school Maiden!
The year 2003 is so ripe for metal and hardcore albums, it's unbelievable. Check this list of bands with upcoming 2003 releases:

All Out War
Bleeding Through
Killswitch Engage
The Haunted
Out To Win
Most Precious Blood
Shai Hulud
Damn Deal Done
100 Demons
The Crown
Superjoint Ritual
End Begins
Seasons Of Fire
Darkest Hour
God Forbid
Social Distortion
Iron Maiden
Dimension Zero
Sworn Enemy
Lamb Of God
Death Threat
Machine Head
i cant wait for limp bizkit and linkin park, im so siked!!!!!! im gonna go buy a baseball hat and put it on backwards right now and make rap music with guitars!!!!!!!
I want to be just like SLAYER85, close-minded about EVERY type of music except for the same sounding shitty hardcore metal!!! Everytime someone says something about music other than the kind YOU like, you bash and bash... Why don't you get a life, and open up to other kinds of music. Just because Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park are on MTV and are labeled "popular" you gotta bash. Sorry they are not hardcore and brutal. I am NOT knocking metal because I love it and always have. I AM knocking people who are close-minded and love to bash everything but what they like. RESPECT everyone's opinion. Music is music. Everyone likes different things. I am not scared to say "I like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park!" on this board because they have talent and write incredible music, hooks that some metal bands wish they could write. I have no idea how a person could be so critical...Do you see me bashing Slayer? I really don't care for them...But I keep my opinions to myself! TRY IT SOMETIME AND MAYBE YOU WON'T MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE A IDIOTIC MUSIC FAN! YOU DISGRACE HEAVY MUSIC BY BEING LIKE THIS!
Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit suck hippopotamus ass but this is only my opinion. I certainly ain't waiting for their new CD. But hey, I like Staind! How's about that? :) New Metallica is gonna be called "St.Anger"? Hmm... Also, on 24th of February (WCFYA European release date...) The Gathering are releasing new CD so I'm gonna buy two record that day. The band I'm talking about you might not know, well, except of Dutchy.