New Sylosis song online

Love it. I think you really achieved what you wanted. First thing I thought was "Wow, those drums sound pretty natural (in comparison to the past releases)

Can't wait for the whole thing!

Oh and btw... are there going to be any clean vocals like conclusion of an age? I think I remember how you guys said you wanted to get rid of those.
Cannae wait for this album... going to be fucking awesome. You on vocals fits way better than I expected! That clean fade in at the end is super cool, too - incredibly clean playing!
sounds awesome so far, great track also!
i have to listen again, tomorrow when i can crank it up! :D

Love the song, really like your vocals too - can't tell the difference all that much. But I was probably in the minority and quite liked the clean vocals on hoping there are some on this album.
Mix and song are awesome, your voice fits the music too!
Also liked the clean vocals on cunclusion though
Also liked the clean vocals on cunclusion though


Conclusion had one of the best drums of all time!

The tightness in your playing continues to terrify me.
The whole band really, just super tight and in the pocket:kickass:
really digging it, especially that you have your own sound, e standard, passive pickups
and marshalls, that's a combination we're not hearing that often in modern metal.