New Sylosis song online

Dude on the album cover has some serious man boobs :lol:

Song is awesome, if theres less clean singing I will probably like this more that COAA.


You are the man, thank you very much for digging those up! I would assume because they were going for a more "raw" or "live" sound for the entire album that this means minimal post processing on the guitar tracks once the mics were set?
Listening back to the album, it's a killer album (maybe a tad too long and repetitive but that's it (production is still a bit too clinical also IMO)). A lot of depth, epicness and emotions in it, and still very agressive/in your face/tight as fuck.

The older material never really appealed to me before, but i'm definitely digging this recent Sylosis stuff.

So congrats to Josh & crew, and looking forward to hear some new music/see them live in the future.

EDIT : if i had to explain to someone what "tight guitar playing" is, I'd tell him to check out this album :)