New Sylosis!

Digging it on first listen, but fuck there is some serious low end in the mix.

IMO it's their best for sure.

The low end is becoming quite problematic for me actually. It's way way too beefy in the wrong areas, drums are super thuddy and standing out much more, guitars could come up, you could have a huge low-end still, it just seems like it's in the "wrong" areas.
Yeah, I had to reduce the low end in my car to make it listenable. I know its part of him having control over his band/product/vision/etc and it's what he wants but I really wish Josh would go to Atkins/Sneap/Richardson/Bogren/Lewis/etc to mix. The last album was barely listenable mix-wise until Bogren fixed it up (and even after the stem-master it's not great by any means), and this one is good but it's one of those "the production doesn't detract from the music but also doesn't add to it" situations.
Yeah, I had to reduce the low end in my car to make it listenable. I know its part of him having control over his band/product/vision/etc and it's what he wants but I really wish Josh would go to Atkins/Sneap/Richardson/Bogren/Lewis/etc to mix. The last album was barely listenable mix-wise until Bogren fixed it up (and even after the stem-master it's not great by any means), and this one is good but it's one of those "the production doesn't detract from the music but also doesn't add to it" situations.

Seems like it's a lazy susan of issues too- guitars on the last one had no body but the drums were good, guitars here sound great but the kick sub-lows and bass accentuate the low end too much. Still impressed by Josh's ability to get a tight tone out of a JCM 800 though, even if it is modded :lol:

Got my vinyl edition of this awesome record in today :)
Could be the fact it's vinyl or my hifi speakers sound different but it sounds way less boomy/sub bass aggressive then when I listened to the stream through my monitors
^ I got it. didn't manage to check it out though as the CD tray is occupied by the album playing on repeat :P
anyone knows if they quad or double tracked, and what amp/s were used? I've always felt like they mainly double track except for maybe the thicker parts.
The album was just double tracked. My modded JCM 800 for rhythms ( and my JMP for leads.

Not too sure where you're getting your info Jeff or how you've heard the mix before Jens mastered it because even I don't have Romesh's mixes before mastering.
We won't go for any ultra clean modern metal production because that's not our thing. Would like to work with Kurt Ballou, Jack Endino or Matt Bayles in the future but going to the US to record is just too expensive.

There's only a few instances where we have 4 guitar tracks going on. Usually when there are some harmonised tremolo picking riffs we tuck in extra guitar tracks of the 'other guitar' harmony on each side to even it out if that makes sense.
They're super quiet but enough to balance it out a bit. So Lower guitar part + quiet harmony on the left side of the mix and then the harmony guitar + quiet low guitar part on the other side of the mix.