New Symphony X - Iconoclast

Don't forget...I'm an 80's metal old fart...and I really don't like dry mixes. ;) But other than that, I LOVE the new album.

thats fair and fine but thats also kinda what I was saying in that I never got the impression of this as a "dry" mix in any way

I'm kinda asking too ... is this considered a dry mix?

To me, Death Magnetic is a good example of a dry mix. Iconoclast seems to have a fair amount of instrument depth in all the right places and in just the right amounts ... for me anyway
thats fair and fine but thats also kinda what I was saying in that I never got the impression of this as a "dry" mix in any way

I'm kinda asking too ... is this considered a dry mix?

To me, Death Magnetic is a good example of a dry mix. Iconoclast seems to have a fair amount of instrument depth in all the right places and in just the right amounts ... for me anyway

When I said I hate dry mixes, I was just speaking general terms (unless it just really suits the material). In this SX album, it's just the snare I find to be too dry for my personal tastes. Sorry...I just like some good ol' verb on my snares. ;) But it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the album. I was hooked on the album from my very first listen of the first track. We can almost always find something we'd like to change in a mix to suit our own tastes. Of course, it's all very subjective. You can't please everyone. And heaven knows...I sure don't try to. :lol:
I LOVE this fucking CD.

From what I have heard Romeo went back to his old Mesa Recording pre mixed with Engl Powerball. Guitars are still floyd loaded Caparisons with Dimarzio X2N's

The production on this is fucking AMAZING. Russel Allen at his best on this mother fucker! Rullo just plays amazing on this and his drums sounds INCREDIBLE! Overal a 10/10 I have no complaints at all about this album!!
That's it. I officially love passive pickups. All good solo tones are made of passive pickups. EMG's are too sterile for anything remotely close to that !

Sounds awesome. Is that actually Bogren who did this ? I'm loving more and more each of his mixes so I wouldn't be surprised.

I've always found SX pretty cheesy but this album makes me wanna try to listen to them.
maybe not my favorite part of the overall mix but I agree that I love the snare sound. Never got the impression that it was too dry or anything

Dude, I just blasted a "BWAHA!" when I saw your new avatar :lol:
And the snare really rulez. dayum.

That's it. I officially love passive pickups. All good solo tones are made of passive pickups. EMG's are too sterile for anything remotely close to that !

Passive pickups aren't all the same man, there's no reason for hating them in general because some you missed out quite a lot for thinking EMG's are the one and only thing ;)

It's also true, I liked the leadsounds I got with a passive PU (seymore duncan JB I think) in a bright guitar more than with the good ol' 81...a lot smoother, and overall a lot more into the direction I like for leadsounds.
Still love the 81 for tight ryhthm though.
I LOVE this fucking CD.

From what I have heard Romeo went back to his old Mesa Recording pre mixed with Engl Powerball. Guitars are still floyd loaded Caparisons with Dimarzio X2N's

The production on this is fucking AMAZING. Russel Allen at his best on this mother fucker! Rullo just plays amazing on this and his drums sounds INCREDIBLE! Overal a 10/10 I have no complaints at all about this album!!

Where did you get this? Did they blended this amps or different tracks?

I also think Romeo double the solos, anybody lese thinking this? In some little parts its quite noticeable?!:rock:
Not that impressed so far, some bits are just far too familiar and it doesnt seem to have the hookiness of Paradise Lost but maybe it will grow on me.
one thing I'm noticing is that overall it seems to be more song oriented. The riffs are a big progressive but the actual arrangements are pretty accessible and most of the vocal melodies fall into pretty standard rhythms

not that this is bad in any kind of way, just an observation
I noticed that about the leads. I feel like he uses a slight chorus almost, or some sort of widening fx

My favorite track is dehumanized, its more straightforward than the others but its very heavy and catchy
I just can't stop listening to this CD. (IMO) The best sounding Symph X CD they've ever made, and definitely the best tone I've heard from Romeo.
I think the album sounds cold and hollow someway :( (Disclaimer : I love Jens Bogren's work with Opeth!). Songwise, it's not bad, but I enjoyed Symphony X a lot more when they were a cheesy classical metal band with lots of melody and prog rock influense.