Symphony X - Iconoclast

It's an amazing album and love it all. If they went lighter on this one, there would be naysayers. Every album of theirs has something to contribute and they are just an amazing band.

Boy - It was difficult getting through this thread!! Based on mainly the folks that disliked this CD because Symph X is continuing to get darker (good) and heavier (better), I just ordred this. I also like the old stuff, but LOVE this direction they are headed. And Romeo is one of the very best out there now!!! :notworthy Looking forward to hearing it!!!

Chris :rock:
Single disc or double disc version ?
Why did they release 2 versions since they did not call the tracks on double disc as bonus tracks ?

Word is that the double-disc version is what they had intended, but the label wanted to release a single-disc version as well. Get the 2-disc version - it's worth it just for "Reign in Madness," imo.
This may be the best Symphony X album yet, or at least it's my favorite. I love the darker, heavier sound, it's not too pretentious, and it works as a cohesive album as well as a collection of individual songs.
I just got the Special Edition of Iconoclast today. All I can say is...holy sh*t! GODLIKE. Jumps to the top of my best of 2011 list without a doubt.
Even better than I had hoped. This is the best metal band in the world right now.
I've only heard a few of the songs on Youtube, but I have to say those three songs are the best Symphony X since Divine Wings of Tragedy. Maybe other songs are more the "Angry Russ"(which is cool), but for the first time I think they've really figured out how to write great melodies. Not that they were bad before, they just weren't on my list of great melodic bands. More aggressive and proggy than melodic, at least since New Mythology Suite.
Yeah, I got the double disc. Only made it through one listen so far, and I was distracted at the time, so the jury is still out. I don't think it's going to knock my favorites off the top though.
Looks like I'm going to end up revisiting this soon.

Still think those 3 tracks I mentioned earlier are worth the whole album, though.
I am impressed so far by the new album. It was like - Zero Hour (the band) meets Paradise Lost (album) meets V. I mean i was a little bored of the singles/tour tracks after playing them so much. Lyrics can be improved but musically I'm stoked so far... note I only made it about to track 4 or 5 so far before I made it home.
Okay, so after a few more revisits, the album has finally started to grow on me. Is the special edition really much better than the regular? I only had a promo for the regular version. Debating whether I should pick up the special edition or not...

It's getting better. Not as big of a let down anymore, as it took a while for it to click, though like I said, still don't LOVE it. :)
Okay, so after a few more revisits, the album has finally started to grow on me. Is the special edition really much better than the regular? I only had a promo for the regular version. Debating whether I should pick up the special edition or not...

It's getting better. Not as big of a let down anymore, as it took a while for it to click, though like I said, still don't LOVE it. :)

Michael Romeo is still your god, so just accept it!!! haha