new t-shirts

eBay only? This saddens me like fuck. I like October Tide a LOT but I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to spend $40+ on a newly printed T-shirt when I've bought "Rain Without End" for $50+ already. Heh...
TheFourthHorseman said:
Come on CDN, could've answered my question!

Sorry what question?
You always can write the mail to Anders ( and he will answer when hes gonna be free... (they have some Scandinavia shows coming up u know + hes very busy with bizz)

Erik said:
eBay only? This saddens me like fuck. I like October Tide a LOT but I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to spend $40+ on a newly printed T-shirt when I've bought "Rain Without End" for $50+ already. Heh...

Its why its called "Limited edition" -> 50 only copies for hardcore only fans. I think its ok to have something special if u r a real collector.
ColdDarkNord said:
Its why its called "Limited edition" -> 50 only copies for hardcore only fans. I think its ok to have something special if u r a real collector.
So the most hardcore fans are the ones with the most money? The thing with limited editions for hardcore fans is usually that they're available on a first-come first-served basis for the fans who are dedicated enough to get them while they can, not that the person with the most money gets them. I love October Tide, even enough to buy Rain Without End for fucking outrageous prices (which is not the band's fault,) but now someone else who has proper income and can afford to spend 3x the normal price of a shirt will likely end up getting them. Sorry if I offend anyone, but I feel that a band selling new shirts for $30-50 is fucked up.
Erik said:
So the most hardcore fans are the ones with the most money? The thing with limited editions for hardcore fans is usually that they're available on a first-come first-served basis for the fans who are dedicated enough to get them while they can, not that the person with the most money gets them. I love October Tide, even enough to buy Rain Without End for fucking outrageous prices (which is not the band's fault,) but now someone else who has proper income and can afford to spend 3x the normal price of a shirt will likely end up getting them. Sorry if I offend anyone, but I feel that a band selling new shirts for $30-50 is fucked up.

Well, I like Picasso but can't buy even the good copy of any of his picture and for some reason I do not feel myself offended or something..
Try to understand that someone looks on this from another side: Im agree to pay a bit over for having something exclusive...
Sure, I understand what you're saying, and I could understand an inflated price with something like the limited re-issue of Empyrium's demo, which came in a wooden box and was very generally exquisite and actually COST more than a regular CD to make, but while these are really nice T-shirts, they're still just T-shirts, and I don't see anything that justifies selling brand new shirts one at a time on eBay (which is certain to generate high prices with cult bands like OT) when they cost perhaps $10 each to make. Of course, there's a chance that just about if all 50 shirts are going to be auctioned, the price is going to settle down after a few auctions, so I'll just wait and hope for that to happen. I don't understand or like this, but I'll have to play along...
Between large amounts of CD sales being diverted into free mp3 downloads from the net, labels and other middle-men taking the majority of cash that comes in for musicians, I don't think this is unreasonable at all. It is one of the few remaining ways a musician can make money directly off their band. As a person without a ton of cash myself, I do understand the frustration of not being able to quickly and easily purchase every piece of merchandise you see available -- but I do understand why this is done the way it is. It should be somewhat comforting to know that your money is going directly towards the person who creates the music you enjoy. Plus, it takes a fair amount of money up front to produce even a limited t-shirt run.

Just some food for thought since I see the concern from both sides. Musicians need to eat too.
and having in mind labels' poor market strategy, swindles, bringing out quite useless (o.k., for me) rip offs over and over again, is Katatonia (or October Tide) at least of all to taunt with something like this. it's not that i don't care about the money, always have to save beforehand, it's not about "die hard fan at any cost" as well. no one would doubt your trueness if you don't get every limited edition for one reason or another.
jesse said:
Between large amounts of CD sales being diverted into free mp3 downloads from the net, labels and other middle-men taking the majority of cash that comes in for musicians, I don't think this is unreasonable at all. It is one of the few remaining ways a musician can make money directly off their band.
so, in order to be treated correctly, i should download and copy lot's of Cd's, (something i don't do) that way the cost of T-shirts is legitimate. :grin:

You know, a band has got to do what a band has got to do. I understand that some here, including me, don't have the money to buy one. But, don't get frustrated. It's just music and clothing.