Katatonia (and other band Tees)


Jul 15, 2005
I'm in London now and I've been looking all over for T-shirts. I've been into a place called Metal Militia which has pretty much all the bands I'm looking for except they're all Large or X-Large..I'm a small (and I'm relativly short). Is it actually possible to get Metal T-Shirts that are official in something smaller than Large? Even on the Katatonia website's shop the stuff is all L or XL. I'm looking for Katatonia, Darkthrone and Burzum shirts.

I love the We Die We All Katatonia shirt with the angel in the dumpster but it's just too big :`(...I'm thinking of just making my own by taking photos to a place and having them printed onto blank shirts. Does anyone know where I can find Katatonia (especially Viva Emptiness) insert album art on the net in large images that I can print onto a shirt?
Yeah... pervertedtaste is great, but there you also won't find any Katatonia-Shirt smaller than Large [except for the girlie *g* and the Katatonia-Logo-Shirt which is available in M] ...
Ok...I'm going back to Metal Militia tomorrow and getting girl shirts :P...Can't look THAT different. Anything with Katatonia on it is cool, I would have preferred the We Die We All one though.
Metal Militia rocks, which one do you go to, the one in Camden or the one in Oxford Street? I got my DO LS t-shirt from there (in Camden that is)
Nichrome said:
Metal Militia rocks, which one do you go to, the one in Camden or the one in Oxford Street? I got my DO LS t-shirt from there (in Camden that is)

:o there's one in Oxford street? I can't believe I've missed this in the past!!! Could you possibly tell me where abouts it is? :)

Btw the limited runs of Katatonia shirts that were being sold on Ebay went down to at least medium I think, which was a great fit on me and I'm pretty small (would nicely fit somone even smaller too) there's none on right now but hopefully there'll be more runs of such shirts in the future *crosses fingers for Rain Without End shirt* :p
Just in between Totenham Court Road and Oxford Road :)

I've been speaking to the owner and they've gotten new stock, he's reserved me some Medium girlie tops of just the Katatonia logo (I love the We Die/We All one though...The angel in the dumpster art is incredible, that is from the VE insert, right? Who is the artist)

I just hope they fit me or I'll be out of luck...Mens are too large and girls are too small...I might just buy some blank shirts and get them printed on.
I have the same problem as you dude. They never make them small enough. Here is the way I get around the problem. Bye the t shirt that you want in large or x large. Find a t shirt in your wardrobe that fits you really well. Take both t shirts to a dressmaker and say “make the large one the same size as the small one”. And there you go. You get the official t shirt they you want, at a perfect fit. So what’s the catch? Getting the shirt resized will cost almost as mush as the shirt. This is because they have to unpick and re sew every seem in the shirt. But I recon it’s worth it.
VampiricYouth said:
Just in between Totenham Court Road and Oxford Road :)

OMG yeah! I found a pic on this really cool site: http://www.streetsensation.co.uk/oxford/os_s10.htm! Wow thanks for that, I can't believe I've never noticed that! Next time I go to a gig at the Astoria/Mean Fiddler (since that's like really close!) or am just in London I'll definitely check it out! Has it not been there long or am I just really stupid? :p Thanks anyway!!!