New terrible experience!


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
Anybody ever been hit over the head with a bottle? I was at a club this week and got attacked with a vodka bottle, nice huh! I was knocked the F#$k out! And ofcourse, the people who did it ran. For sure, I won't be going to that club again! Anybody else survived a bar room attack?
Yeah, I'm still kicking my friend(Bodylouseuk). Yes, it was a trendy club and I was just there with my girly getting my drink on. You know, if I had started it, I wouldn't even be telling you guys, but the fact is I got hit my some crazed dudes with a taste for addrenalin! Rest assured I won't be going to that bloody hole again. But no worries, like my man JB says

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger"

You guys rule!

Thraxfriends unite!
Aaaaahhhh, the ol' bottle to the head. Been there done that. It is definitely more fun to deliver the bottle to one's head, than to be the recipient. It could be worse, you could have been tripping at the Goth Club thoough. Now, I've never tripped out at a goth club, but I was dating this hottie back in '97 - '98 and she had a goth fetish, which I thought was really bizarre, because her mother was black, in other words, this girl wasn't very "pale," but anyway she dragged me into a goth club a couple of times. What is up with those freaks.......I can't even begin to contemplate what it would be like to trip in that club, it was scary enough stone cold sober!
flashing lights, vampires all around you, people dry humping, I swear I saw a girl with fresh cuts on her arm and that sent me over the edge. Plus it was only like the second time I had gone there so I realy didn''t know my way around. I think goth chicks are the hottest creatures, but they are so fucked up in the head. (just a generalization) thank god I settled down with a girl who doesn't drink or do drugs, was a virgin, agnostic, loves to fuck ... sorry "make love" :) and will dress goth for me on occasion, ode to Erin.
and to the bottle thing... I went to correctional bootcamp when I was 17 for failing a piss test while on probation for stealing a bike...long story.....and there was a guy there for manslaughter. turns out some chicks asked he and his friend to walk them out to thier car because some guys were drunk and hitting on them. next thing they know his friend gets hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat and goes down. the guy who hit him jumps on him and starts beating the shit out of him. the bootcamp guy grabs the discarded baseball bat and whacks the guy on the head to get him off his friend. 8 days later the attacker dies in the hospital after going into a coma and the guy I knew gets charged with manslaughter for keeping his friend from getting beat to death. It was in the paper down here in houston. he had to write a letter of apology to the guys parents. he says he wouldn't do things different, and neither would I. I sure as hell wouldn't have stolen that bike..... and justice for all....
Now that's a story! Kinda dampened my mood actually. But anyway, yeah, gothic girls are hot, but they are so fucking wacked, I had to cut all ties to that girl, we had fun, but she carried too much baggage......She ended marrying some gothic dude and getting knocked up. Of course then reality set in, and goth dude was not a very capable worker or dad, so now he is gone back home to his parents, and she collects welfare and feeds the kid.......I doubt they go to "goth night" any more:)
I was never hit with a bottle at a club but once when I was a youngster me and a bunch of guys were riding in the back of a truck throwing bottles at signs (hey I'm from BFE KY, we didn't have a lot to do except shit like that, or at least thats what we thought at the time) Anyway one of my friends threw one and instead of shattering like all the rest did it bounced back and nailed me right in the forehead :loco: . We were probably going about 50mph so you can imagine how that felt. Ahh memories.
The only terrible experience I have with trendy club and bottle of vodka is that everything this bottle contained ended up in my blood stream. You just could imagine the aftermaths. Eeeeeeeeeh....
....I remember once hiring a stripper for a party, and boy what a "winner" she was! Anyhow, she could do this trick with bottles, actually, she didn't need a bottle per se, a can would work to. She could literally pour the contents of a bottle or can of beer into her vagina, get up, walk around to the other side of the room whatever, and then set back down, and then she could *spray* the beer back out of her.....I'm not making this friends and I sat around in awe of this chick.
....but I don't remember last night! Generally, when I don't remember anything, I just write it off as a "win." Too much Crown Royal I guess.......taking it easy tonight, there is an encore presentation of Lord of the Rings at this 150 year old theatre in my town, that is the plan as of now.
What scares me about a trick like that is all the time she put into learning it...

I have a bottle story. When my husband was in high school, there was this chick that would show up at all the parties and was a total fucking tease, like start a blowjob and refuse to finish and shit like that. One night all the guys were tired of her shit (she'd had a round with them all) and decided to get her back. They got her too drunk to remember her name, and shoved a bottle up there. They left her naked on her front porch and ran the bell and her dad found her. What they didn't realize at the time was that they put the open end in, and they couldn't just pull the bottle out because of the suction, it would have done a lot of damage. So she had to go to the ER and they had to cut the bottle first before pulling it out. Her dad sent her off to boarding school and they never saw her again.

My exciting plans for tonight: they're finally putting Providence back on, so I'm watching TV all night. And I'll probably read during commercials. Woo-hoo!!! Look at me go!!