New Testament

not even close but yeah i was pleasantly surprised. i was expecting it to suck but it really tears it up, i can't wait to see a lot of those tracks live hopefully someday.
Sorry Enemy, your opinion is negated due to thrash bias. The best ones come from people who aren't predisposed to it, as they'd grade the album in a more clear-eyed manner.
At first I thought you meant:

I would have prefered a continuation of the gathering sound, but this is ok too.
I'm just a little sick of this thrash nostalgia. Last exodus, sodom, etc and now testament...all trying to recreate their old sounds with new modern production, shit's kinda tired.
Amazing album. Although I would have preferred for them to go in the direction that they were going in with The Gathering, this is amazing as well.
I would have prefered a continuation of the gathering sound, but this is ok too.
I'm just a little sick of this thrash nostalgia. Last exodus, sodom, etc and now testament...all trying to recreate their old sounds with new modern production, shit's kinda tired.

Glad we finally agree on something.

It's decent, nothing more, nothing less. I don't think it's going to age well and it's way to early to make a statement as bold as "sickest thrash album this decade", in my humble opinion.
Production is pretty important to a lot people, myself included. It can easily make or break a record.
Translation: I'm sorry, I cannot support your band, because the man who mastered your tracks is currently caught up in a trend where we like to hate his clean techniques rather than deal with it and listen directly to your work. Gotcha.

They may as well hire Kelly Gray next time if this is how things are going to be.
Disregarded. If all someone can think of is production, their opinion is snuffed.

Music is a production, child.

But I'll talk yer 'music' if you want. It's way old school. I can really hear the rehearsal room jams in the writing, which is great. It's definitely good, old fashioned Testathrash.

On first listen, I'm a little disappointed with the solos. They shred alright, but Skolnick's phrasing isn't quite at to the standard I was expecting.

I know I know, expectation is the root of all disappointment. But dammit, it's been 10 years since the last one!
Always think "at least it isn't Gray." Sneap is big, he isn't going away, and if all you guys do is sneer because he produced it, you should probably stop listening to any metal released in the US.

Good to know you can give a good review too. ;)