New Testament

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with teens listening to Razor and Xentrix, it's just that the music of bands like Hatchet and the like doesn't sound that sincere to me and looks like a bunch of bandwagon hopping to me.

Yeah, some of them are just trying way to hard to relive the past - a time when most of them where still shitting their diapers or haven't even been born.

Especially these "look at me, I'm so oldschool, I eat leather and shit spikes!!11"-morons are a laughing-stock. they despise the mallcore kids for being fashion/trend victims, yet they spend ridiculous amounts of money on patches, old white sneakers and picture/shape LPs on eBay, following something that used to be a trend itself. Fuckin' hypocrites!

It's at the old Exodus studio, and they're going to have a keg AND a vending machine filled with beer. THAT is about as thrash as you can get.

Alright, so this guy reserved this like two months ago, signed a contract and everything. Then like two days ago the guy who ran the place booked a rave because they threw down $1500, and made the metal show move upstairs into what was basically a closet. And then since there were like 300 idiot ravers on ectasy, the cops came and shut the whole thing down.

It's a goddamn disgrace. Paul Baloff is rolling in his grave.
Yeah, I saw that Andrew posted something in another thread.

It was fun at first, since we were in the front of the building and the ravers had to make a walk of shame and get heckled mercilessly.

I had to pee on the street because there were so many goddamn e-tards in front of the bathroom!
Testament was supposed to play the Seattle Shred Fest next month, but I think they just pulled out :(