New Theocracy Album Info + MP3!

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Here you go guys, the details of the new album!

Return To Theocracy

Absolution Day
Petulant Child
Return To Theocracy
I Believe
Lightning Strikes Back
Forever the King
Omega Mirror
Onward and Upward
Life or Death

We can't wait for you to hear it, as we think it's a REALLY strong album. Some people will probably complain about some of the new elements and influences, but we have to move forward and try to stay relevant. And of course when two new members join they'll add their own stamp to the sound as well. But don't worry, there's still plenty of the big catchy choruses and heaviness of the first album; we've just weaved some modern sounds in to make it interesting.
This album covers so many bases; that, to me, is what makes it special. From the infectious speed of opener "Absolution Day" to the killer slow mood groove of "Forever the King" (Seth and Shawn's first writing credits with the band) to the epic march of "Omega Mirror", we truly think it has something for everybody. Shawn and Seth even handled the vocals on closing track "Seven".
We put together a short preview clip for you to check out a few of the new tracks ("Seven", "Return to Theocracy", "Forever the King"). Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for supporting the band!
OMG! That's hilarous!!

I still like your St. Anger spoof better. Speaking of that, do you have a link to that song? I seem to have misplaced mine. :cry:
Hey Matt-- now that you have 2 more members, are we going to see you live anytime soon?- Preparty?? Loved the first album, can't wait for the second!! Even though we are in Theocracy with our government, I love your music. (sorry, couldn't resist!)
Matt Smith said:
Here you go guys, the details of the new album!

Return To Theocracy

Absolution Day
Petulant Child
Return To Theocracy
I Believe
Lightning Strikes Back
Forever the King
Omega Mirror
Onward and Upward
Life or Death

We can't wait for you to hear it, as we think it's a REALLY strong album. Some people will probably complain about some of the new elements and influences, but we have to move forward and try to stay relevant. And of course when two new members join they'll add their own stamp to the sound as well. But don't worry, there's still plenty of the big catchy choruses and heaviness of the first album; we've just weaved some modern sounds in to make it interesting.
This album covers so many bases; that, to me, is what makes it special. From the infectious speed of opener "Absolution Day" to the killer slow mood groove of "Forever the King" (Seth and Shawn's first writing credits with the band) to the epic march of "Omega Mirror", we truly think it has something for everybody. Shawn and Seth even handled the vocals on closing track "Seven".
We put together a short preview clip for you to check out a few of the new tracks ("Seven", "Return to Theocracy", "Forever the King"). Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for supporting the band!

Matt you're going to hate me, but I've got to be honest: I like Theocracy ok, but your true calling is spoofing metal bands. You fucking RULE at that.
Matt, I purchased your first CD from Ken Golden, and even bought a t-shirt from Deron! Basically, I loved the first CD, and the talent out of one person is incredible! With that being said, this style that your approaching now, isn't my cup of tea! You can do whatever you want to, because it's your music. With that in mind, I hope you don't expect traditional progpower fans to actually dig this! I respect the message that you're bringing forth in your music, but honestly, this sounds like any other Christian/Nu-metal band! I've been really looking forward to your next release, especially with a full band, but this is very disappointing! If you're going to go this route with Theocracy, at least do some solo stuff that resembles music from the first album! I hope you don't hate me for what I've said, but apparently you're looking for some feedback by placing this thread on the forum.
dude edgeofthorns, notice it was posted April First :lol:

and yes, i guess i'll give it away: look at the first letter of each title:

A-P-R-I-L-F-O-O-L-S. you were supposed to laugh :tickled: maybe now you will :)
Silent Song said:
dude edgeofthorns, notice it was posted April First :lol:

and yes, i guess i'll give it away: look at the first letter of each title:

A-P-R-I-L-F-O-O-L-S. you were supposed to laugh :tickled: maybe now you will :)

Thanks for pointing that out to me Kenneth! :Smug: