New Therion Album


World's Greatest Vocalist
Aug 10, 2003
Double-disc. Epic extravaganza. Fantasy, mythology, the whole shpeil. Death vocals. Soprano singers. 20 tracks.

In reflection, I must say that this thread really died a horrible death.

I figured SymX fans would be drooling over the new Therion...Lemuria/Sirius B?
Never really heard much from them but I recently heard a song on the digital music channel. It was very cool. I may have to get this new album.
anonymousnick2001 said:
In reflection, I must say that this thread really died a horrible death.

I figured SymX fans would be drooling over the new Therion...Lemuria/Sirius B?

Well.... I am drooling over it :rock: I LOVE it. Bought it for 2 friends and they love it, too....
Kronikle66 said:
How can anyone stand those vocals? I'd much rather listen to a rapper do the vocals. I'll admit, everything else about them is really badass, but only if you can bear those opera voices.


Actually, Ryan, the two albums have normal vocals... I think it might be Rob Rock (from Rage of Creation and Warrior). I'll send you some if you want... it's quite different. And the operetic vocals? They are just too fucking awesome for you :P
Both cds are awesome. I love the vocals and think they fit the music perfectly.
I don't think Rob Rock appears on the cds though.
They are fellows by the names of Mats Leven and Piotr Wawrzeniuk on both cds. The rock and metal voices that is. Won't name the opera ones though because it would take me hours.
I agree totally with you lunar still x that the vocals are too awesome for him :kickass:
Actually, Ryan, the two albums have normal vocals... I think it might be Rob Rock (from Rage of Creation and Warrior). I'll send you some if you want... it's quite different. And the operetic vocals? They are just too fucking awesome for you :P

Normal voices? Same kickass music? Ok, I'll give it a shot.

my 2 cents is that it really didn't strike me as the other albums did. I put them on and lost interest as anything other than background music. it just didn't grab my attention. We will see as i listen to it more how it sounds.
karelrulez said:
what is Therion's "masterpiece" album?
Depends what you like. If you're into oldschool swedish death, grab Beyond Sanctorum. If you're into operatic metal, grab Deggial. If you enjoy both, grab the new ones.
I like both new albums.Kali yuga (both parts) and Feuer overture/Prometheus en are the best songs to me. Johnson sings well on German.
(Can't wait for next two :loco: )
