New to Anathema

Hello Anathemians,
I recently got into Anathema after buying A Fine Day to Exit and I simply love this band. I immediately went out to find everything I could get my hands on which resulted in me finding Alternative 4. This wasn't as easy for me to get into as A Fine Day...but I still dig it.

1. What's considered to be their heaviest album??
2. What does Resonance sound like? I read that it was released last year with A Fine Day...

Any info would be mucho appreciated.

Waging war on a forgotten intent
I guess the heavier album of Anathema would be their first "Serenades".
As for "Resonance" it's a compilation so I can't really describe it since it has songs from almost their albums. By the way there are two Resonance albums (1 & 2) which are both compilations.
"Resonance" is not an album, but a compilation! Better spend your money on real albums.

If you really like Exit, the next one you should get is Judgement (1999). It's got better and kind of more universally emotional songs, and the music is more transparent, not as overtly psychedelic as on Exit.

The "heaviest" albums are their early ones, I advise "The Silent Enigma". Powerful and serene at the same time.

D Mullholand
Yep, can't go wrong with 'The Silent Enigma'. It must be strange actually getting into the band from their most 'out there' release!
Although I wouldn't stay clear of Resonance if I were you. I personally find it an amazing collection of songs which run surprisingly well together, giving it an album feel.