Child of The Grave
Hey guys, I don't usually post in here, but I browse around since Im quite a fan of the band, and stumbled upon this cool thread, and I actually have a cover of Forgotten Hopes that I did a while back all by myself. Im not a very good singer, but I tried, and also, drums are sequenced and acoustic guitars were recorded line in which is a no - no when going for quality, but it was a lazy/sloppy cover, but it would be not a problem to re-record it with a mic instead of line in if this compilation would be a reality (if this cover doesn't kill your ears of course
Check it out here: Click Me!
You can find it on that site, any comments on how to improve it are greatly appreciated.

Check it out here: Click Me!
You can find it on that site, any comments on how to improve it are greatly appreciated.