New to Site - Rams Head Live Baltimore, MD Show


New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2008
Cockeysville, MD
Really just wanted to say hey. Just registered about .2 seconds ago. Really excited to be seeing Opeth live for the first time in Baltimore on the 26th.
Was able to convince one of my buddies to go with me... (doesn't really like Opeth, but is a fan of seeing bands live and such).

Unfortunately... about a whopping zero of my friends are Opeth fans, and few of them venture anywhere remotely close to metal or heavier rock music. So I am glad I was able to get at least the one to go.

Anyone in here from around that area? And then obviously the question to follow would be... going to the show?

Truthfully, im not really sure what to expect as my show attendence is pitiful. Involved a lot of jam band crap with the ex-girlfriend, and this will be the first show I have been to that wasnt a miniature hippie fest.

So again, just wanted to say whats up and see whats going on.