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New Metal Member
Feb 14, 2004
I am a new lover of symphony x, I really enjoy just about everything they have to offer, so far any way. I really have only listened to Divine Wings of Tragedy, I was wondering if any of you guys could tell me which cd I should concentrate on and really get into. In other words which Symphony X cd is the best?
first of all welcome to the boards! glad to see another person getting into sym x, its really hard though to say what there best cd out is, because to be frank there all awesome, what i suggest is start from the begining with there self titled album (which as michael romeo has said before was basically a demo-so dont expect the greatest production or sound quality from it) then get the damnation game, i assume you already have divine wings, so then get twilight in olympus, then V and finally the oddysey, which is right now my favorite simply because it has russle allen singing masquerade, which is one of my favorites, so in short get all the albums and prepare to be blown away by what metal should be!
I say do the opposite. Why get the "worst" one first?? Most bands get better and better with each album. I always start from the newest because you may eventually get to an album that you think sucks (not that any SymX ones do) and not want to go any further back into that bands CD catalog.

Case in point, I was introduced to In Flames with Reroute to Remain. I LOVE that album. I've tried some of the older stuff and didn't care for it, so that's the only CD I have of theirs. I know a lot of their hardcore fans HATED Reroute to Remain, because its so different.

Its all up to your own personal preference though.
If you want worst first, then best: Symphony X (self-titled), V: The New Mythology, The Damnation Game, Twilight In Olympus, The Odyssey, (you already have Divine Wings)

If you want best first, then read that in opposite order.

And to all those V-fanatics that reply, remember, most people don't like this until several hundred listens. Well, let him get that last. It's close to my least favorite but it appears to be the favorite on these boards.

So anyway, get V last I recommend no matter which order you choose.

I recommend you get Twilight In Olympus, it's very similar to The Divine Wings Of Tragedy, then get The Odyssey, and then V - The New Mythology Suite.

I don't like the first 2 albums much, I mean Damnation Game has only Edge Of Forever, Dressed To Kill and Winter's Dream.
firstly, welcome to the board! Second, I would recommend listening to all their albums because they each offer an amazing set of songs. My overall favorite is probably Odyssey, but its very close between them. You should enjoy whichever you decide to get!
Everyone who is new here asks this question it seems...but its hard to give an answer since each album is different, and to ask which is the best...well every fan has their own idea of what is the best. But my personal suggestion is get The Odyssey. Just make sure you get the rest soon enough ;)