New track from band's demo. First time tracking with my PRS!

Thanks dudes :kickass:

Great song. Funny that the thing I dig most soundwise is the kick. What did you use there?

It's *wait for it* kick 10z3 :lol: That's right ladies and gentlemen, the most overused kick in the world. But I tuned it up a bunch to get some nice click out of it and tighten up the flub.

amazing guitar tone :) what chain? I assume real amps

That's reassuring, but no haha this is just a demo recorded at home to get DI's for re-amping. It's ReValver into impulses at the moment. Gonna do all real drums etc up at the studio when the EP's all written and composed. But for now, all modelling and MIDI I'm afraid!
About the kick, I think that´s all personal preferences. There something annoying in the high mids that I dont like. I agree it´s fat but not fat as I like.
