NEW TRACK from 'Cannibalised' Online!

This is my just-listened-to-the-new-track face :
Fuckin' A.

It really deserves to be played through something better than my laptop speakers though.
!!!!!! :worship:

OK now I must insist on a release date :heh:

Well it looks like February 2008

This is the press release from Earache

UK epic- thrash metallers BIOMECHANICAL have announced the completion of their upcoming release Cannibalised, mixed by famed producer Chris Tsangarides (Judas Priest). The band have posted an exclusive advance track entitled 'Fallen In Fear' on their MySpace page for fans to get a taste of what to expect from the hotly anticipated release, currently streeting in February 2008.
To listen to the track head to
BIOMECHANICAL frontman John K, who recently recruited new members Jonno Lodge (drums ) and Gus Drax and Chris Van Hayden on guitars, had this to say about the 'Cannibalised' project which is the closing chapter of the story which began with their 2003 debut release 8 Moons.
"There are no compromises on this album. It's Metal without boundaries and as much energy as we could possibly deliver. Cannibalised brings a dark closure to the debut and the Earache released album The Empires of the Worlds.
All the elements of the other albums are there but with a much heavier sound and more aggression. The songwriting follows the emotional pull of each individual track, going from heavily orchestrated tracks to full-on Metal. It was a long journey getting this album done but now it's completed with the help of Chris Tsangarides and Jon Ashley with whom we finally managed to deliver Cannibalised. From the Cover Art side of things Nat Jones has astonished us once again! Huge thanks go to to these guys and looking forward taking this album on the road!!"
:eek: February?!?!?!?!? The month of my Birthday. o_O

I'm "really" going to be a happy boy then! :heh:

:worship: Excellent choice of date. Excellent choice. :worship:
Woah. What a mouth-full (for lack of a better word) that was to take in on first listening. Looking forward to it! :headbang:
...had this to say about the 'Cannibalised' project which is the closing chapter of the story which began with their 2003 debut release 8 Moons.
Does this mean that this will be the last album under Biomechanical?

This tune is freakin nice :kickass: A chaotic musical masterpiece
Nice to hear that Maz. It's a long way but the label couldn't release it any sooner. The production took a long time plus there has to be time to prepare with Jonno, Gus and Chris plus find a new bass player.

That's cool, and understandable. :headbang: I just can't wait to hear the whole album. :)

All the best to you man.
First impression... sounds overly similar to previous work and could easily be a handful of other songs spliced together.
It takes a few repeat listens but, as with many great works, takes time to digest and appreciate fully and is worth the time. I think you have the same "issue" as someone like AC/DC has in that because you've managed to find a consistent sound and aural identity it's too easy to dismiss your new work as v2.0 of previous work. Hopefully it doesn't turn too many people off and they give it a decent chance.
First impression... sounds overly similar to previous work and could easily be a handful of other songs spliced together..

Sorry I don't agree.
Yeah the track does have Biomechanical's own sound and I'm glad they've kept it. and for a band to have their own sound these days is quite unusual

Judging form the reaction from Myspace it seems people are not being turned off quite the opposite in fact

Anyway I don't think anyone can judge the album on one track.

It takes a few repeat listens but, as with many great works, takes time to digest and appreciate fully and is worth the time.
I agree :)
Okay... Now that the new track has sinked into my widdle French brain, I'll take that opportunity to blabber a bit about it.

Artists having their own musical identity are the best. Their "voice" is so unexpected, so new, you are at least drawn to listen to it, whether you like what you hear or not. The best effect is achieved when you feel that what is being said is addressed to you, personally. When you go pick up your jaw from the floor, and can't get enough of a band, that's when it feels the best. That's when you know that this particular voice will be a part of you for a long, long time.

With so many bands out there, it really takes someone with a clear vision (or someone musically completely fucked in the head, take your pick) to manage a signature sound that is so immediatly recognisable, especially after like... 2 albums ? It's more of building something, rather than simply writing and playing music. It's not driving a car, it's going somewhere with it. And from what I can gather from the new track, the Biomechmobile is passing through the city of Pissed-off Upon Avon, right fucking now, terrorising every single inhabitant. Goddamn, it felt like my skull was getting viciously sliced and stomped by the tasmanian devil. Like crisps under bison. So fucking frantic. So schizophrenic. I am sure happy I am wearing my seatbelt.

In a day and age where so many bands add little stickers and neons and shiny stuff to their musical car, Biomechanical chose to simply shift gears, stomp the pedal to the metal with a smile that says "you ain't seen nothing yet".

Enjoy the ride. I sure am :).