new track idea > continue or dump!?

hmm, seeing as this is about the music, not the mix i will just go with what im feeling listening to this lol

basically, if you had written this about 8 years ago youd have been a freaking god! but all i hear is every song that as i lay dying have already overwritten themselves. incorporate some more latin or jazz scales and shapes in there i reckon :p also, i think (maybe) the rhythm guitars, and therefore the drums too, should play with some more interesting rhythmic patterns, rather than just a really standard backbeat

one last thing that bugs me (with anything in the metalcore genre) is that whenever frets 5, 7, 8, 10 or 12 are inevitably played on the second string in some generic pattern creating a really bland harmonic minor scale, the space is then filled with some boring chug or gallop. fill that space with something more interesting than slamming aimlessly on the open string, and itll sound far more interesting!

but these are only my opinions of course :p
thanks for the comment !:)

i agree with you on the whole metalcore thing,
it is and sounds like some generic metalcore and the AILD thing,
haha everyone who heard this said, het it kinda sounds like as i lay dying.
not a big fan but i like them so i take this as a compliment! :D

it may sound weird but i always try to stay as "straight" and "generic" when it comes to writing music.
there are quite a few bands that are doing exactly what you described, more complicated rythm patterns and
they are playing notes nobody expects to hear. it sounds different and kinda new but at the end...i don't like
any of this bands! :lol:

i always try to write music that is close to the typical genre "rules" but using notes that haven't been played exactly this way before. so basically when you listen to it you may think, ey this sounds like AILD but you won't find any AILD song that has
more than 2 notes in exactly the same order and way i wrote least i think so, don't know every of their tracks but that's basically how i write's hard to explain exactly, i hope i do not sound like a dork now!:D :)

thanks for the comment !:)

i agree with you on the whole metalcore thing,
it is and sounds like some generic metalcore and the AILD thing,
haha everyone who heard this said, het it kinda sounds like as i lay dying.
not a big fan but i like them so i take this as a compliment! :D

it may sound weird but i always try to stay as "straight" and "generic" when it comes to writing music.
there are quite a few bands that are doing exactly what you described, more complicated rythm patterns and
they are playing notes nobody expects to hear. it sounds different and kinda new but at the end...i don't like
any of this bands! :lol:

i always try to write music that is close to the typical genre "rules" but using notes that haven't been played exactly this way before. so basically when you listen to it you may think, ey this sounds like AILD but you won't find any AILD song that has
more than 2 notes in exactly the same order and way i wrote least i think so, don't know every of their tracks but that's basically how i write's hard to explain exactly, i hope i do not sound like a dork now!:D :)


haha, well hey man, everyone writes music differently! i try to write stuff which hasnt even been touched on before, but its all down to personal taste, is it not!?

if your idea in the first place was to write something that sounds generic sort of, then man, this is sick! although its not my cup of tea these days, im sure it will be many other people's cuppa, so nice one man, sounds good :)
Everyone can complain that a band is generic, etc., but in the end, if those genres are / have been so popular in the "underground" scene, it's because there is definately something awesome behind it. It reminds me of AILD too, but heh, it's not a bad thing at all ;) A band I recorded sounded like a complete Parkway Drive ripoff on one of their songs, but it actually turned out to be one of their biggest "hits" on the release in their location :p
It's not really my cup of tea, but it's alright. An unfinished song can be crazy different from a finished song, so just keep working on it. If it isn't good it's practice.
if those genres are / have been so popular in the "underground" scene, it's because there was definately something awesome behind it.


Awesome isn't awesome once it's been done a hundred times, then it's just normal. Not talking about the op, just making a general comment.
I think you should stick with it , the riffs connect with each other really well - almost a Neo classical sound!!- I think you know there's something cool about it otherwise you would not have posted it .

However - have you thought about adding something into it that would take it away from it's Predictable ( but good!) path???
Get some synths in there - or some cool Clean parts / arppegio's - or even some Industrial style samples

Anything you can find that you can make work basically - just my 2 pence.

Awesome isn't awesome once it's been done a hundred times, then it's just normal. Not talking about the op, just making a general comment.

You got a point. But some people can actually still enjoy listening to another of those bands. Like people enjoy watching those Hollywood blockbusters who all tell the same story the same fucking way... I know, lame comparison...
thanks for the comment!
i agree but then again...haha damn this is hart to explain! :D
basically i do not mainly strive to write something "generic",
but i rather write a track that's very similar to some
other than write something absolutely new that does not sound good.
of course "good" is a matter of personal taste and sense :)

thanks for the comment
haha, i always compare this to the mainstream thing.
we all know the "this band sucks, they became complete mainstream"
people.s o a band has some tracks plays them live, the people love it,
more and more people love it, the band gets signed, record an album,
plays more live shows, records a new album and gets more and more
people in their fan base...this happens only when a band and it's
music is good IMHO.

bad bands stay in the underground because there
are a few people who like them and that's it,
they are not "underground" because they want to be,
it's more because they have to! :lol:

thanks for the comment!
yeah you're right, i am not kinda proud of this song or anything like that,
i know it's just another track but i am really happy with this! :)

i think especially on this one my mixing improved a lot,
even if it's still not really good IMHO, it is a good practise for sure!

thanks for the comment!
yeah it still sound a little bit empfty. i treid to get some effects into it but everything
i treid did not fit, i tried glitch stuff, reverse stuff even a stupid bassdrop :lol:
synths would be nice but i suck at playing keyboard and programming it sounds like shit.
i also do not have good synths so this is not the best option.
i have to get some vocals on this then see how it works.

haha now we all wrote a lot about music but i was more looking for a few hints about the mix.
what sounds like shit and what sounds goood? what's ok and what can be improved mixwise!?

one more thing, do you hear any clipping on this one?
