New Trivium...

if I was locked in a room and was forced to listen to trivium id rather listen to this than their old stuff
but this still sucks
though anthem had a decent intro
I sitll have Paolo's pick he threw at me and It landed in my eye :mad:

I wouldn't mind Trivium too much if it weren't for Matt fucking Heafy. The vocals sound better though, but yeah wannabee James Hetfield, doesnt sound good still.
It's definatley better than it was, more thrasy, but still Detonation has that gay emo bit in the second half of the song.
CliffBurton said:
I sitll have Paolo's pick he threw at me and It landed in my eye :mad:

I wouldn't mind Trivium too much if it weren't for Matt fucking Heafy. The vocals sound better though, but yeah wannabee James Hetfield, doesnt sound good still.

Paolo's saying in interviews that he never used picks.

Which is complete bullshit,I have one of his picks right here next to me:rolleyes:
Hahaha wow. They really took the wrong turn with this new album.