New tubes for my 6505

So the Ruby 6L6s I got are Sovteks and the EL34s they sent were Winged Cs. They helped open up both the 6505 and JVM. Also got a set of Penta Labs in the 6505 preamp and a Tung Sol in V1 which really helped add some sizzle. Took away some of the amp's mid-push, though it's still fairly mushy. I'm not expecting it to win over the JVM or 5150 III often, but it's nice to have one in the studio regardless.
I really like the long-plate JJ ECC803S as a phase inverter for a little bit of added extra clarity, sparkle, and open-ness in my Krank and XXX. It's a bit more compressed-sounding than the Sovtek long plate Doug usually recommends, but I find the added brightness worth it. It's a shame Doug doesn't sell it with balanced triodes.
Good stuff, Ermz!

I forget exactly what bundle I picked up from Doug's, but in my Mesa Mark IV I have 2x Ruby 6L6 and 2x Ruby EL34 setup along with one of his "hand selected tone kits", which consisted of a few JJ's, Tung Sol and at least one other type. For sure it was a beastly change and actually made the amp TOO loud compared to my old set of GT's.
Didn't see the point in starting a new thread, so bumping this one up.

Just wondering if flavour of the month has changed with regards to tubes for this amp? I got my one second hand and it's got Ruby's in the power amp and JJ's in the pre.
in my experience jj tubes were not bad at all (in the preamp), anyway if you want the 5150 to be a little more aggressive, you can try this configuration:
sovtek 12ax7 in all positions except the phase inverter, a sovtek lps in the phase inverter and sovtek 6l6 wxt+ in the power amp.
those are the best power amp tube i've ever tried in my 5150.
About the chinese tubes, i've had a bad experience with them: everyone said they made the amp more gainy and metal, but the truth is that the ones i've bought (the ones re-labeled Tube Town by the importer) were noisy, fizzy and thin compared to the others.
I had an LPS sitting about from when I upgraded the tubes in my JVM so I threw it in. It's got JJ's in the other four positions. I've never been struck on them, their price point makes them a decent option though I guess.

I might just buy a few different preamp tubes and see how they affect the tone. I only need to fill four positions.
Much better with the new tubes. A bit more aggression and a bit more clarity.

With the JJ's, it was a bit too dark sounding. I'll get new power tubes next month and that'll be that one done.
I found JJs in the preamp to be dark. Not in a bad way. Just in a smooth, less-aggressive way. They made a much bigger difference than powertube changes. Check out my link a few posts up and you can hear three different sets of power tubes in a 5150 (TAD, Sovtek, and very old Chinese tubes), as well as a preamp swap to see what I mean.
I always find a preamp change has a bigger effect on the tone. I'll likely be putting TAD's in the power amp as I really like them in my JVM.
You should do some reamped clips and send 'em. I'd like to hear them in a non-5150.

In my 5150, almost no one liked the TADs the best in a blind test, but again, the differences are subtle, and the TADs could easily work if they had to
same advice from me, chinese all the way. maybe a tung sol on v1 if you prefer it brighter. jj pres will make you want to sell your amp